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  • Yellow Springs News Contact Information

    Joanna Meier Correspondent Yellow Springs News P.O. Box 187 Yellow Springs, OH United States Tel: 00 + 1 + 937 + 767-7373

  • Roosevelt speaks on crisis in public education

    Last Saturday Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt, the former superintendent of Pittsburgh schools, spoke on the American educational crisis at an event cosponsored by the Antioch College Morgan Fellows and the Yellow Springs public schools.

  • Solar farm discussion continues

    SolarVision installed a 224-kilowatt solar array at the Athens Community Center last year.

    The Village is exploring the technical requirements for a 2 to 5 megawatt solar photovoltaic array that may be built in the Village. In a conference call this week, plans were made to study the Village’s electric distribution system before Council discusses SolarVision’s proposal at its March 22 meeting.

  • Cincinnati writers to read at this week’s Antioch Fireside

    The fourth in a series of fireside readings at Antioch College features three young creative writers pursuing their Ph.D.s at the University of Cincinnati — Rachel Steiger-Meister, Katherine Zlabek and Michelle Burke. They will read on Sunday, March 6, at 2 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch campus.

  • VIDEO: Mills Lawn presents Bollywood Jungle Book

    The Mills Lawn all-school musical Bollywood Jungle Book premieres Saturday, March 5, at 7 p.m. and again on Sunday, at 2 p.m. Both shows take place at the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Center at Central State University.

  • Attempted theft at US Bank

    At 12:30 p.m. today a man attempted a bank robbery at US Bank.

  • Chick, Malone to swim at state finals

    Yellow Springs High School junior Erika Chick blew past the competition in the 500-yard freestyle at last weekend’s district meet in Oxford, Ohio. She won by nearly seven seconds and qualified for the state finals with district titles in both the 200- and 500-yard freestyle. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last Saturday’s district tournament performances showed that juniors Erika Chick and Elizabeth Malone are getting even faster in victorious swims.

  • Valeska Lindner

    Valeska Lynne (Appleberry) Lindner, 68, died Feb. 11 at her home in Fort Collins, Colo. She was 68.

  • Irwin Abrams memorial

    A gathering in memory of the life of Irwin Abrams will be held Sunday, March 13, at 3 p.m. in the Friends Care Center dining room.

  • Four local teachers to retire

    Four teachers with long and distinguished tenure in the Yellow Springs schools gave notice of their resignations at the end of the current school year.

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