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  • Ordinance Approving the editing and Revision of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency

    ORDINANCE #2012–08

  • Ordinance Amending Pool Rates and Declaring an Emergency

    ORDINANCE #2012–05

  • Richard Northway

    Richard Northway

    Richard Warren Northway died peacefully on Thursday, March 29. He was 91.

  • Cinda Stewart

    Cinda A. Stewart died Tuesday, March 27, in South Fulton Medical Center in East Point, Ga., near Atlanta. She was 82.

  • Shelley Colbert

    Shelley Colbert

    Shelley Colbert of Yellow Springs died Thursday, March 29, at 3 p.m. at Hospice of Dayton, surrounded by her family and close friends.

  • Funderburg Farm— Asking horses to trust people

    Laura Funderburg uses the natural horsemanship technique when she trains and teaches at her family’s farm on the southern edge of the village. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    At the place where east Hyde Road ends and unspoiled farmland begins, Pat Funderburg has his own practice of asking, not telling, and working with instead of against, the horses on his family’s farm.

  • Politics divide local Catholics

    Recently, some parishioners have made public their distress that St. Paul Catholic Church has become more politically conservative and at the same time less welcoming to Yellow Springs residents.

  • April 5, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Senior Leanne Holmes pitched the Yellow Springs High School softball team’s first game in three years, which was suspended due to darkness with visiting Belmont up 19–16. Covering the plate was catcher Chelsea Horton, a freshman who went 3–3 with three runs scored on the night. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    April 5, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Toxic sites are under control

    Over the past two decades, Vernay, along with Morris Bean & Company, YSI, Inc. and the Village Water Reclamation plant, have all been point sources of pollution to local ground and surface water. But through their efforts and work with the U.S. and Ohio Environmental Protection Agencies, all four point sources of area water pollution have made strides to control and mitigate the damage they caused to the local watershed.

  • Council takes on distracted driving

    At their March 19 meeting, Village Council members had an initial dialogue on a proposed local law to ban texting while driving. The item was discussion only, although Council plans to vote on an ordinance at its April 2 meeting.

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