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  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Boys bball starts scrimmages

    There are plenty of opportunities this month to get a sneak peak at this year’s Yellow Springs High School boys varsity basketball team.

  • BLOG-A Place for Potatoes

    Rummaging through cabinets searching for storage containers, when I surfaced with Grandma Rita’s vintage tupperware, the moment seemed pure destiny.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs public meetings

  • YSHS senior hostsWalk for lymphoma

    Yellow Springs High School senior PJ Russel will host an awareness and fund-raising event for a local cancer patient this weekend.

  • Fub’s does Neighborhood Toy Store Day

    Mr. Fub’s Party welcomes shoppers to start the holiday season with a celebration.

  • Ohio premiere of ‘Sparkle’

    To be a dancer with an African-American dance company in the Midwest is not your everyday occupation. To also be 49 and still performing with that company is astonishing. To have suffered a critical injury and attempt to come back at that age, with that company, is the gripping story of Dayton Contemporary Dance Company’s Sheri “Sparkle” Williams. A short film, “Sparkle,” by local filmmakers Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar, will have its Ohio premiere in Dayton this week.

  • Ryan rallies local support at dairy

    It was a little overcast and a bit blustery. But that didn’t stop more than 2,000 supporters from showing up at last Saturday’s Paul Ryan rally at Young’s Jersey Dairy. And a number of the Republican vice-presidential candidate’s supporters hailed from Yellow Springs.

  • YSHS fall play picks up the pieces

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School has been full of drama with an unscripted denouement. Plagued by chronic absences and a slew of actors dropping out, three weeks into rehearsals for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the production was scrapped.

  • Canvassers blow in from the West

    A group of Northern California Democrats left 80-degree weather to brave the cold, November winds of Ohio in hopes of pushing the swing state further left this election. On Monday the four Californians, members of the West Yolo Democratic Club, warmed up at the Emporium before heading out to canvas for Yellow Springs congressional candidate Sharen Neuhardt in Fairborn in 40-degree blistery cold. But they seemed to be more focused on the winds of political change.

  • Drafting the Village budget— Early numbers on target

    The Village of Yellow Springs came to its budget process early this year, and happily too, with most funds coming in close to budget and a sizable cash carry-over to pad the operation. With several more workshops planned for Village Council meetings on Nov. 5 and 23 and Dec. 5, the Village plans to get the coming year’s budget passed by early 2013.

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