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  • BLOG-For the Day’s Feast

    We will disperse far and wide to spend Thanksgiving with our extended families, but the Pre-Thanksgiving Feast is for our Yellow Springs friends.

  • Little Egypt filled with facts and artifacts

    Mills Lawn School sixth graders presented the fruits of their studies at Egypt night, displaying masks, models and jewelry. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School was teeming last Friday with mascaraed, robed and loinclothed sixth graders who presented the fruits of their studies at the annual Egypt night, Thursday, Nov. 15.

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, Nov. 19, 2012, 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, second floor Bryan Community Center Comments from the Public are welcomed at two different times during the course of the meeting: (1) Comments on items not on the Agenda will be heard under Citizens Concerns, and (2) Comments on all items listed on the Agenda will be […]

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs public meetings

  • Board Of Education

    Meeting Canceled

  • Edwin Staiger

    Edwin Paul Staiger of Fairborn died unexpectedly at his home after a brief illness on Tuesday, Nov. 6. He was 83.

  • Hempfling to leave Council

    Due to what she said was an increasing demand on her personal time, Village Council President Judith Hempfling announced that she planned to leave Council before the end of her current term. Hempfling said she would resign once the Village approved the final draft of the zoning code revision, likely sometime in January.

  • College commits to 250 by 2016

    This fall Antioch College campus is buzzing with activity as its more than 100 students settle into the daily rhythms of campus life. By 2016, the number of students could grow to 250 if a plan adopted by the Antioch College Board of Trustees is realized.

  • David Nickell

    David Nickell of Yellow Springs died Wednesday, Nov. 7. He was 62.

  • Council moves on public art

    Village Council members discussed the first draft of its first ever public art policy at their meeting Monday, Nov. 5. The policy, drafted by Village Manager Laura Curliss, covers the principles and procedures the Village will use to accept both permanent and temporary installations of art in Village-owned spaces.

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