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  • Growing church is just the beginning

    Bill Randolph, the new pastor of the First Baptist Church gave a stirring sermon at Sunday’s worship service. Randolph, who was installed on Nov. 11, is a longtime villager who raised his five children in town. He hopes to grow the church’s dwindling congregation. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Newly appointed Pastor Bill Randolph’s enthusiasm for the Lord — and reviving the historic local church — is welcome news to its parishioners.

  • BLOG – A house of a different color

    The painting of a room is not just slapping some color on a wall.

  • The Pine Forest

    This week’s entry is on The Pine Forest in the Glen Helen

  • BLOG – Prayer Flags

    The nooks and crannies throughout the Village that often get overlooked. Today’s blog showcases the Prayer Flags that people have hanging out side their homes.

  • BLOG-A Second Chance

    My husband recently told his Central State University class, “A smart person learns from their mistakes. A wise person learns from others’ mistakes.” Well, a wise person could definitely pick up a few pointers from me.

  • A Monumental Event!

    Last Friday was the Mills Lawn Spelling Bee. There were 21 students involved and they all did a fantastic job! Congrats to all of them!

  • Studio art tour helps promote town’s renown

    2012 Artists Studio Tour (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Yellow Springs Artist Studio Tour was held this year on Oct. 20 and Oct. 21 and featured 27 artists spread across eight studios in and around the village.

  • Village CF bulb giveaway

    Thousands of compact fluorescent light bulbs will be given away this week as part of a village-funded energy-efficiency program.

  • Donna Marie Sanders

    Donna Sanders

    Donna Marie Sanders died on Saturday, Nov. 10, after a sudden illness. Her departure was peaceful, surrounded by family and loved ones, friends and neighbors.

  • Art & Soul showcases local treasures

    A quilted hanging by Pam Geisel (detail)

    Yellow Springs holiday shopping season begins in earnest this weekend at a new art fair, Art & Soul, where villagers and visitors can find unique handcrafted gifts made by local and out-of-town artists.

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