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  • Well-capping raises concern over Vernay plume clean-up

    A proposed well-capping ordinance backed by Vernay Laboratories and the Greene County Combined Health District to prevent contamination from groundwater polluted by Vernay has raised concerns among some neighbors, who view the effort as an attempt by Vernay to circumvent long-term cleanup effort.

  • CMYS to feature Vienna Piano Trio

    The Vienna Piano Trio will be featured at the third Chamber Music Yellow Springs concert on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • College survey on YS gym use

    Antioch College is working with architectural firm MacLachlan, Cornelius and Filoni to revitalize its historic campus. A key project in the facilities master plan is the health and wellness center, scheduled to open in spring/summer 2014. The center will serve both community and campus needs. In 2008, the college sent out a short survey asking […]

  • Village natives to speak on black experience

    Five former and current villagers will speak on “Being Black in Yellow Springs: The Sixties Experience” on Monday, Feb. 25, at 6:30 p.m. at Antioch University MIdwest.

  • Deadline has passed… but we can still get you in!

    The Yellow Springs Community Directory deadline has passed, but if you hurry you can still get in!

  • Bumpy weekend for boys basketball; girls advance to round two in sectional

    A weekend of home games included two losses for YSHS boys varsity basketball, and as many wins for the JV team.

  • BLOG-Churn Rate

    Turns out making butter doesn’t take much more than enthusiasm and a bit of warmth.

  • Request for qualifications/proposal

    2013 Pool Management

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013, 6:00 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

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