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  • History reconsidered, and then revised

    Antioch College hosts a historian from the University of Toronto and an archivist from the National Archives for a history residency continuing tonight and tomorrow.

  • Fleming to direct Fats Waller musical at Central State

    YSKP director John Fleming of Yellow Springs will direct “Aint’s Mishavin,” a musical based on the songs of Fats Waller, at Central State University this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

  • BLOG – Front Doors

    The nooks and crannies throughout the Village that often get overlooked. Today’s blog showcases front doors. Keep your eyes open for other wonderful front doors, there are many more out there!

  • Basketballers make a run for the top

    Yellow Springs High School basketball tournament play continues for both the girls and boys varsity teams.

  • BLOG-Getting to Know Gnocchi

    Rolling gnocchi is the perfect job to keep a five year old entertained on a cabin bound icy morning.

  • Rae Dewey

    Longtime villager Rae Dewey, 91, died at noon on Thursday, Feb. 21, at her home on Livermore Street, after a brief illness.

  • Icy weather closes schools

    Yellow Springs Schools are closed today, Feb. 22.

  • Yellow Springs strings sing out together

    Community string players joined together in an orchestra performance Wednesday night.

  • Forget Park Place; buy Antioch

    A local version of the 80-year-old fast-dealing property trading game of Monopoly is coming to Yellow Springs. Envisioned as a way to promote the town, its businesses, non-profits and quirky culture, an informal group of merchants and villagers designed a local Monopoly board game over the last few months.

  • Feb. 21, 2013 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Feb. 21, 2013 Bulldog Sports Round-up

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