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  • Mark Latson

    Mark Maurice Latson passed away on March 28 after a lengthy illness. He was 48.

  • Tour Springfield and YS water plants

    Villagers are invited to tour the Springfield and Yellow Springs water treatment plants on Friday, April 5, ahead of a Council decision on water sourcing.

  • The pros and cons of local dispatch

    One evening when Teresa Newsome was on duty as dispatcher at the Yellow Springs Police Department, she received a call from a worried villager. The woman’s elderly husband, who had some dementia, had taken a walk and, after several hours, not returned. Newsome knew both the woman and her husband, and she dispatched a police officer to look for the man.

  • Expect anything at dance concert

    Produced this year by Melissa Heston, Marybeth Wolf and Ali Thomas, the Yellow Springs Community Dance Concert will be performed on Friday and Saturday, March 29 and 30 at 8 p.m. in Antioch College’s South Gym. “Expect anything” was Heston’s advice for the audience in a recent interview, as she reflected on the variety and […]

  • Village Council— West Nile spraying nixed

    Yellow Springs will not be sprayed with insecticide this summer in response to the presence of West Nile Virus-infected mosquitos, unless the health department determines the village is in a state of emergency. Rather, mosquito control will involve working with villagers to eliminate mosquito breeding sites and the use of larvicide to kill the insect larvae.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • John Thomas Laughlin

    John Thomas Laughlin, 60-year resident of Williston Park, N.Y., died on March 3 in hospice. He was 87.

  • Board Of Education

    Yellow Springs

  • Gordon M. Simms

    Gordon M. Simms, 77, passed away Thursday, March 21, 2013, at Rest Haven in York, Pa.

  • Guns and mental health— Experts note issues separate

    Local resident T (who preferred to be anonymous to protect her family’s privacy) knew something was happening with her son when at 15 he was suddenly having trouble sleeping and began spending much time alone. The eccentric behavior quickly intensified, she said, and soon R began knocking on people’s doors singing Christmas carols and dressing in a suit to look for a job. That year R began home schooling and taking medication for depression and psychosis.

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