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  • Local filmmakers win MacArthur grant

    Filmmakers Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar were recently awarded an $80,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation for Reinvention Stories, a joint project with WYSO public radio.

  • April is Wellness Month in YS

    This month learn about new ways of healing the body and staying well for a long, well-lived life.

  • Boxing day, every day

    For an arts village that prides itself on thinking outside the box, a recent newcomer is living the dream thinking entirely within the box. The packaging box, that is.

  • BLOG – UFO sightings

    Today’s blog showcases a hand full of pictures that have caught me off guard.

  • Decline to opine: important village work outsourced

    Mirroring a recent village trend, many members of the community have begun to outsource the mining of Yellow Springs’ most precious resource.

  • Potluck brings out eco-maniacs

    At a competitive community potluck, locally-grown ingredients were just the beginning.

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