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  • Yellow Springs Arts Council Art House Hop— Local homes a museum for a day

    The art collection of Richard Lapedes and Maureen Lynch will be one of seven local collections available for viewing for the Saturday, Sept. 7 Art House Hop, which is a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Arts Council. (Photo by Anisa Kline)

    The Art House Hop will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7 from noon to five. The event is a self-guided tour of seven different private collections in Yellow Springs, and will act as a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Arts Council fundraiser.

  • VIDEO — Local farmer to seed from the sky

    Local farmer Jim Clem is using aerial crop seeding to plant cover crops this fall. See a video featuring Clem on the new technique for increasing soil fertility.

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    Girls tee off for the first time In what Coach Mike Reichert believes may be the first ever girls golf match in Yellow Springs High School history, the four-strong Lady Bulldog golf team competed in a match at Locust Hills on Aug. 12. At the match, returning district qualifier Rachele Orme finished with a nine-hole […]

  • Fireworks set for this Saturday

    The annual Independence Day festivities will take place Thursday, July 4.

    The annual Fourth of July fireworks, postponed this year due to bad weather, will take place this Saturday, Aug. 31, at 9 p.m. at Gaunt Park.

  • Tecumseh Land Trust and Dharma Center sponsor walking toward mindfulness

    Monthly nature meditation walks in Glen Helen are from 4–5 p.m. on the last Sunday of the month through October with the next session this Sunday, Aug. 25. The sessions include an introduction to meditation, 20-minute silent hike, thoughts on the season from Bill Felker, 20-minute journaliing period and group reflection. Organizers demonstrating walking meditation are, from front, Antioch College student Charlotte Pulitzer, Dharma Center board member Katie Egart, Tecumseh Land Trust executive director Krista Magaw and Felker. (Photo by Megan Bachman)c

    If you think the only way to meditate is sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, think again. A walking meditation in the great outdoors can open up a whole new world of sights, sounds, sensations and smells — all while re-wiring the brain to be more aware in everyday life.

  • Antioch College students stretch in co-op jobs

    During Antioch College students’ most recent co-op jobs, Gabe Amrhein of Yellow Springs worked for the Rich Earth Institute in Brattleboro, Vermont, testing the use of urine in agricultural applications. (Submitted photo)

    What do toilets and politics have in common? Potential metaphors aside, they both figured prominently in the recent co-op placements of Antioch’s first-year students, who returned just a few weeks ago from their first Antioch co-op experience.

  • Yellow Springs feature photo: Playing in the street

    Eleven block party gatherings, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission,were held in the streets of Yellow Springs over the Aug. 18 weekend.

  • Charges filed in Glen Helen ‘gunman’ scare

    Cody Buffenbarger, 22, of Springboro, was charged last week with falsification, a first-degree misdemeanor, for fabricating a story on June 27 about a man with a gun near Ecocamp cabins in Glen Helen.

  • Antioch College skill-sharing workshop­ — From herbal tea to art from trash

    Antioch students Gabe Amrhein and Norah Mermis are two of the organizers of an upcoming skill-share workshop from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24, in McGregor Hall on the Antioch campus. The event features 16 sessions on everything from zine-making to fermentation and is free and open to the public. Here Mermis and Amrhein gather spearmint in preparation for Mermis’ session on making herbal tea remedies. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to teach. That’s the idea behind skill-sharing, a type of education described as community-based, non-competitive and intergenerational.

  • Mills Lawn school reopens — Students to practice inclusion, service

    Project-based learning (PBL) is at the fore this year at Yellow Springs schools, and Mills Lawn is no exception. But the school also has other goals for the year.

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