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  • Schools ask for levy renewal

    The roof of the annex at Mills Lawn School is in need of replacement, students in all grade levels need new texbook resources, and the district needs a new school bus (so that it can stop borrowing ones from other neighboring districts.)

  • An efficient, affordable home

    Brett and Isis Henderson will soon close on a house on West Davis Street built by local affordable housing group Home, Inc. The Hendersons hope to raise a family in the three-bedroom house, which was built to use about half the energy of a conventional home. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When Brett and Isis Henderson moved to Yellow Springs from Los Angeles three years ago, they fell in love with the community, but not its expensive housing market.

  • Candidate night draws crowd

    Candidates running for both Yellow Springs school board and Miami Township trustee spoke and answered questions at last night’s candidates forum, the first of two sponsored by the James A. McKee Group.

  • Yellow Springs 2013 Election Guide online edition

    The 2013 Yellow Springs Election Guide contains information about the local candidates and issues that will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot for Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents.

    The Yellow Springs News Election Guide for 2013 is available in this week’s print edition of the News. This online edition is identical to the print edition.

  • Local history unearthed

    Glen Forest Cemetery

    The Yellow Springs Historical Society will present “Glen Forest Cemetery — Unearthed Local History” on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 2 p.m. in the Senior Center great room.

  • Warm up with bonfires on Beggars Night

    This year’s Beggars Night will be held Halloween night, Thursday, Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m., with bonfires throughout the village.

  • BLOG – Halloween

    The Halloween fun begins this weekend with the seventh annual Zombie Walk. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Today’s blog showcases homes around town that are ready for Halloween!

  • BLOG-A Witness to Conflict and Grace

    The Antioch Writers’ Workshop hosts its first LitSalon, a gathering of local writers to talk craft and inspiration.

  • Polling for all Yellow Springs precincts at Antioch University Midwest

    Polling for all Yellow Springs precincts at Antioch University Midwest

  • Uprising of the undead — take five

    Zombies will rule the streets of Yellow Springs Saturday, Oct. 19, to lend a rotting hand to both Home, Inc. and the Yellow Springs food pantry.

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