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  • Villagers speak at Dayton’s TEDx

    All experts in their particular fields, from left, neuroscientist Mike Weisend, race theorist Judith Ezekiel and Lincoln afficionado Mark Roosevelt, are three Yellow Springs residents among the 30 who will present at TEDx Dayton on Nov. 15. Registration for the knowledge conference closes Thursday, Oct. 31. (Photos by Lauren Heaton except far right by Dennie Eagleson)

    Ever wondered what set Lincoln apart from other war-time presidents? Or how the brain distinguishes a friendly person from a threatening one? Or how about who benefits from the concept of race, which for centuries has succeeded in allowing one people to dominate another?

  • Bronze event ends in warm glow

    The first National Bronze Sculpture Symposium will conclude in a dramatic glow Saturday night, as pieces created during the two-week event are finished in a bronze pour at sunset. The outdoor pour will take place at 7 p.m. at the Antioch College Outdoor Foundry, next to the amphitheater.

  • Trick-or-treat postponed until Friday

    The Halloween fun begins this weekend with the seventh annual Zombie Walk. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Due to the forecast of thunderstorms and wind gusts, Trick-or-Treat in the Village has been moved to Friday, November 1.

  • Antioch College to tear down two buildings

    Antioch College recently announced that it will demolish two buildings on campus: the Student Union and Mills Hall.

  • Pluck honeysuckle from Clifton Gorge

    A scenic view of Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve. (Photo by Jason Meyers, taken from Clifton Gorge's facebook page)

    “Honeysuckle Blitz” will be held at Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve on Saturday, Nov. 2. Volunteers are needed to help remove the invasive honeysuckle.

  • Boys soccer falls in district finals

    On Saturday night the Yellow Springs High School boys soccer team’s post-season run ended one win shy of a district championship. The Bulldogs lost 3–2 to Seven Hills of Cincinnati in the Southwest Ohio District Finals, held at Eaton High School. The score was tied 1–1 at the half, then was even again at 2–2 […]

  • BLOG-It’s the Great Pumpkin

    Sincerity as far as the eye can see…

  • Village Council candidates talk economy and finding a new Village manager

    Eight Village Council candidates participated in the second Candidates Night forum Thursday night, sponsored by the James A. McKee Group.

  • 2013 Supplemental Appropriations And Declaring An Emergency

    Ordinance No. 2013-24, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • An Emergency Ordinance To Amend The Effective Date Of The Zoning Code Previously Adopted

    Ordinance No. 2013-21, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

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