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  • World comes to EnviroFlight

    While it’s not entirely clear that black soldier flies have more sex when listening to Barry White songs, Glen Courtright isn’t taking any chances. After all, the larvae produced by randy flies provide the foundation of EnviroFlight, Courtright’s local business, and he needs as many baby bugs as he can get.

  • School salaries on the rise

    At its meeting on Sept. 12 the Yellow Springs school board approved new contracts for district Superintendent Mario Basora and Treasurer Dawn Weller.

  • EPA cites Morris Bean for discharge

    Morris Bean & Company will soon bid out a project to fill in a sinkhole at its Hyde Road plant after the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency cited the company for releasing industrial wastewater into the sinkhole and potentially contaminating groundwater in the Village’s source water protection area.

  • Concert to benefit Senior Center

    Pianist Sam Reich will perform at a fund-raiser for the Senior Center on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 3:30 p.m.

  • Glenda Chance

    Glenda J. Chance of Lexington, Ohio passed away on Sept. 27 at her home. She was 51.

  • Alice Wilds

    Alice (Walker) Wilds died peacefully surrounded by friends and family on Thursday, Sept. 26.

  • YSI Inc. immerses kids in water

    Mills Lawn Elementary School fifth and sixth graders took a field trip last week to YSI Inc. (a Xylem brand) to learn about local and global water issues as part of a collaboration with the water-monitoring equipment manufacturer. YSI/Xylem has also purchased water test kits for the school to commemorate World Water Monitoring Day. Here students in Dionne Barclay’s fifth-grade class work together to keep a giant model of the earth afloat, symbolizing the need for everyone to chip in to save the planet. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On a recent field trip, the Mills Lawn Elementary School fifth and sixth graders spent a day at YSI Inc. (a Xylem brand), learning about local and global water issues, and bounced a giant model of earth to symbolize the need for everyone to chip in to save the planet.

  • Elsie Mae Johnson

    Elsie Mae Johnson

    Elsie Mae Johnson of Cincinnati, formerly of Yellow Springs, passed away Monday, Sept. 30 at Meadowbrook Skilled Nursing Home. She was 83.

  • Willis memorial service

    Celebrate the life of Camille Willis at a memorial service on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 2 p.m.

  • Oct. 3, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

    Oct. 3, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

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