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  • BLOG-Curds and Whey

    I didn’t like cheese much as a kid and now regret that I didn’t pay more attention to my aunt’s artesian cheese making. Now that goat cheese is a favorite food, I am most fortunate to have local mentors…and they have the enviable support of Antioch College in their farm-to-table endeavors.

  • New theater company presents “D’Arc Comedy”

    The newly formed Yellow Springs Theater Company will perform “D’Arc Comedy,” this weekend and next at the Antioch Amphitheatre.

  • Villagers rate ED strategies

    As an adjunct English professor at Clark State Community College, Cyndi Pauwels is among the one-third of Yellow Springs residents who work in the field of education and four-fifths of working villagers who commute.

  • District Exhibition Nights— Students to demonstrate PBL

    Isaiah Search used a tree identification guide to help his team chart and name the trees near the tennis court at Mills Lawn school in 2014. The second-grade class mapped the campus to help the district figure out which trees were at risk for emerald ash borer disease. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Second graders Isaiah Search, Zeke Naziri and Isaac Grushon held their clipboards and North American tree guides as they looked up at one of the biggest trees on the Mills Lawn campus this week.

  • The Passive House solution

    Keeping up on the latest climate change projections can be downright depressing. But a local nonprofit offers a dose of hope with its new film on how to build homes that emit 80 percent less carbon dioxide. “Passive House Revolution” tells the story of this aggressive new building standard from the perspective of the Germans […]

  • Jean Margaret Campbell

    Jean Campbell

    Jean Margaret Campbell died peacefully at Friends Care Community with family at her side on May 18, just six months shy of her 100th birthday.

  • Support for those with mental illness

    Two recently formed peer-led groups meet locally for those living wih mental illness and their families. With the support of the Village Human Relations Commission, the groups will sell raffle tickets for an artist-decorated rain barrel, shown above, at the May 22 Village manager forum to raise money for Mental Health First Aid training. Shown above are, clockwise from top left, Donna Sorrell, Kathy Adams, Kathryn Hitchcock, Village Council member Brian Housh, artist Sandi Sharp, and Linda Rudawski of the HRC. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Medically related circumstances in a family’s life — from welcoming a new baby to undergoing chemotherapy treatments — often elicit helping hands from friends and neighbors. But when the circumstances involve mental health issues, the affected families can feel isolated and alone.

  • Planning Commission

    Monday, June 9, 2014

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, June 2, 2014, 7 p.m.

  • New YSHS softball team tastes success

    While the YSHS girls softball season ended on May 13 after a tournament loss to Southeastern, the season was a success, with a 16-strong roster of girls who won four games and averaged an impressive 13 runs per game. The team was all smiles on the bench on May 3, when they won back-to-back games during a double-header at Belmont. From right are Evelyn Greene, Danny Horton, Jesi Worsham, Ashley Longshaw, Sierra Lawrence, Nekyla Hawkins, Chelsea Horton, Shanice Wright, Maddie Gueth, Victoria Willis and Amelia Gray. (Submitted photo by Coach Jimmy DeLong)

    This year’s YSHS softball team has more than just a great attitude — they also got a taste of success, finishing with four wins and averaging 13 runs per game.

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