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  • News was closed for the Memorial Day holiday.

    The Yellow Springs News was closed for the Memorial Day holiday.

  • BLOG-DRUM Roll Please

    Friday night, the thunder that could be heard across the fields of Mills Lawn School and out into the community was no mere storm. It was the soaring music of activism.

  • Swimming Lesson Registration

    Swimming Lesson Registration begun! To register for a class, please speak with any Dayton Pool Management Staff Member at the pool. Pool hours here Eight 30 min. classes per session, $10 per class. Yellow Springs residents receive lessons at no cost. Session 1: June 16-27, 2014 Session 2: July 7-18, 2014 Session 3: July 21-August […]

  • 2014 Gaunt Park Pool Passes and Schedule

    It’s FINALLY here! Season passes can be purchased at the Teen Center (100 Dayton Street, 1st floor) from 3-8:30 pm on weekdays and noon-4 p.m. on Saturday through June 4. Beginning June 5, the Teen Center will begin summer hours, passes can be purchased starting at noon on weekdays. SEASON PASSES WILL NOT BE SOLD […]

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

    Tuesday, May 27, 2014

  • Public Meetings


  • Flooding follows storm

    A fierce rainstorm dumped inches of rain on the village Wednesday, causing flooding and road closures.

  • Full results from the YS News economy survey

    Local jobs don’t pay enough for many people to live here. Villagers would like to see more high-tech, living wage and professional jobs. Read more survey results and download comments here.

  • Teacher opposes nonrenewal

    The Yellow Springs School Board approved a recommendation at their meeting Thursday, May 8, to nonrenew the contract of McKinney physical education and health teacher Angela Bussey. During the board meeting, Bussey and her attorney Mark Landers held a public hearing to defend her right to maintain her job.

  • Applause, pleas at farm forum

    In some ways last week’s public forum regarding the Antioch College farm was a pep rally for environmental sustainability and the resurgence of a unique liberal arts college. Upwards of 200 villagers attended the event in the Bryan Center gym on Wednesday, May 7, mostly clapping and cheering for the seven administrators, staff and student representatives who spoke of the model production farm and planned solar array on the 36 acres known as the college golf course.

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