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  • Street work messy but promising

    Crew members of Village contractor Durst Brothers Excavation were tearing up the town this week to construct new sidewalks and plant new trees along the east side of Xenia Avenue. The current phase of the streetscape renovation is scheduled to be finished before Thanksgiving. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Although they were invasive and well past their expected lifespan, the eight Callery pear trees that were lifted from the downtown last week will be missed.

  • James ‘Jake’ French Lehrer

    Jake Lehrer

    James “Jake” French Lehrer died suddenly in Asheville, N.C. after a brief illness. He was 62.

  • Website a clearinghouse for help

    Linda Rudawski, left, and Antioch College student Kabbeh Davies are gathering information for the Village Human Relations Commissions’ online directory “Yellow Springs Help,” a comprehensive resource for those in need. A website training for local providers to input their information is 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, at Friends Care Community Skilled Nursing Center. RSVPs are required. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Locals who need help will soon have a “digital case manager” to connect them with the right resources.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Miami Township Fire-Rescue honors 12 service members

    Last Thursday evening Miami Township Fire-Rescue held a ceremony for newly trained fire fighters as well as new inductees to the squad.

  • BLOG — Five Years at the Snooze

    This has opened so many (weird) doors for me.

    Last month marked my fifth anniversary of working at the News. Since then, I’ve been thinking about writing a blog to commemorate this particular milestone.

  • ’s no joke! Village schools closed because of wintry weather

    Critters scurried across freshly fallen morning snow in this photo from February of this year. The Yellow Springs School District has decided to close schools Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 because of similar conditions. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs School District this morning decided to close village schools because of significant snowfall overnight, making roadway travel unsafe.

  • Aaron’s Lens – The Scrap Barn


  • BLOG-Black November

    In this month of November, local businesses need as much support as we can muster. Downtown is in the midst of an extensive streetscape renovation and the disruption will have depressing effect on “Black November” without our presence.

  • Local academics read at Blue Jacket

    Villagers Keith Doubt and Kevin McGruder will read from their original works this Saturday, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m. at Blue Jacket Books in Xenia.

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