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  • Villagers react to historic election

    Donald Trump’s unexpected win hit Yellow Springs hard last week. In the days following the election, dozens of villagers registered emotions ranging from shock, disbelief and confusion to dismay, alarm, outrage and grief.

  • Yellow Springs School Board— Group to create mediation protocol for PBL

    The Yellow Springs High School’s Student Relations Board, a group of students and teachers, will be reconfiguring the project-based learning, or PBL, contracts signed by students in each class, with the intent of developing a mediation protocol for how the PBL teams deal with conflict.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Scenes from Thanksgiving Eve. And a reminder that all are welcome at Community Thanksgiving, 2–4 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • James Arden McCuddy

    James Arden McCuddy

    James Arden McCuddy passed away on Nov. 8 at Essex Nursing Home in Springfield, Ohio, after a prolonged illness.

  • Horseplay at school

    Pictured is horse Iggy with handler Jennifer Lawson, together with, from left, student Jonah Martindale, Antioch Farm Manager Kat Thomas and student Mia Bates. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Three horses from the Riding Centre and one from Funderburg Farms visited Antioch College on Tuesday, spreading equine peace, love and happiness.

  • Kathy S. Monaghan

    Kathy Scott Monaghan passed away on Monday, Nov. 21, 2016.

  • BLOG— Get brave and speak

    Trembling in my car as I was ordered to leave the Speedway campus on the night after an upsetting, disorienting and momentous election, I realized: I am afraid, so afraid, to speak up, not just to the man in the fluorescent vest, but really to anyone who may not like what I have to say.

  • ‘Share the Joy’ at the YS Library

    The "Share the Joy" gift-giving tree is going up soon at the YS Library.

    The annual “Share the Joy” tree, which aims to provide holiday items for Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents who may need assistance in buying them, is currently up at the YS Community Library.

  • BLOG-Medicinal Meals

    Self care sends me in search of aromatic home remedies followed by a fine dinner at the Winds Cafe.

  • Spend Thanksgiving with community

    Ali Thomas, Charlotte Walkey, Rick Walkey and Dave Goodman, from top left in rear, were among those sharing food and conversation at the First Presbyterian Church, converted for an afternoon into a banquet hall for a potluck Thanksgiving feast.

    The annual YS Community Thanksgiving, which is sponsored each year by the YS Interspiritual, will again be held at the First Presbyterian Church, 2–4 p.m. this Thursday, Nov. 24, on Thanksgiving Day. The entire community is warmly invited to attend.

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