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  • Hagel to talk government framework at Justice System Task Force

    The community is invited to attend the November meeting of the Village Justice System Task Force on Thursday, Nov. 17, 7 p.m., at the Bryan Center.

  • BLOG-Lessons Learned

    Whose teachings do we take to heart in this country? My grandfather’s or my great grandfather’s?

  • Yarn Registry BLOG: A Landfill is an Ecosystem Unto Itself, part III

    Insects are important to the decomposition of garbage because they eat a lot of trash and tunnel their way through it, which mixes and aerates it. Some insects find their way to the trash, while some are inadvertently brought to it. In interesting case of filth in reverse, cockroaches are often found in landfills, as they hitch a ride in the belongings humans have discarded.

  • YS Brewery to celebrate new look with ‘Metamorphosis Party’

    YS Brewery employees Jon Vanderglas, Chris Hutson and Paul Herzog model the brewery's new logo, to be celebrated this evening at a "Metamorphosis Party." (Submitted Photo)

    The YS Brewery will host a “Metamorphosis Party” tonight, Nov. 11, 3–10 p.m., in celebration of its new logo.

  • Yellow Springs elects Hillary

    Yellow Springs went its own way this election. Miami Township voters were closer to national and county trends.

  • Fruit fly

    The Mullin family’s 13th annual Pumpkin Launch at Moonshadow Farm off of St. Rte. 370 launched another victim via a homemade trebuchet, Saturday, Nov 7. The aging squash’s scary scowl (carved by Eliza Minde-Berman) seemed to change to one of shock and surprise as it flew to its ultimate demise. (Submitted photo by Jennifer Berman)

    The Mullin family’s 13th annual Pumpkin Launch at Moonshadow Farm off of St. Rte. 370 launched another victim via a homemade trebuchet.

  • All for one … heck of a YSHS play

    From left, YSHS actors Jonah Trillana (Aramis), Windom Mesure (Athos), Allison Bothwell (Sabine), Grant Crawford (D’Artagnan) and Duard Headley (Porthos) at a recent rehearsal of “The Three Musketeers,” the high school’s fall play. Alexandre Dumas’s classic swashbuckling comedy, updated with a feminist twist, will be performed this weekend and next. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Fighting, honor, loyalty, love, camaraderie. More fighting. This fall’s Yellow Springs High School production of Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers” is not for the faint of heart, but it’s equally full of comedic turns.

  • Ordinances to correct text errors in the current zoning code

    Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Moms Out Front for a livable climate

    Lauren Craig, left, and Laura Skidmore are two members of the Yellow Springs organizing team of Mothers Out Front, a national grassroots nonprofit seeking a “livable climate” for future generations. Meetings of the local team, started by Skidmore this spring, have drawn about 13 area women. All mothers, grandmothers and women with children in their lives are invited to join with the local group’s advocacy of renewable energy and other climate-friendly solutions. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Mothers Out Front, a national grassroots group whose Yellow Springs team was started last spring by Laura Skidmore, seeks a “swift and complete transition to clean energy” in order to reduce the effects of climate change on future generations.

  • Donna J. Riley

    Donna J. Riley

    Donna Jean Riley, 79, of Springfield, passed away on Thursday, November 3, 2016.

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