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Village voters gave a big thumbs-up to the property tax renewal on March 15, and also favored Bernie Sanders over Hilary Clinton and John Kasich over Donald Trump.

Yellow Springs elects Hillary

Precinct map of Yellow Springs A map for Yellow Springs precincts 440, 441, 442 and 443 breaks the village down by quadrant. Miami Township precinct 455 includes the eastern portion of the township, or residences east of Grinnell and Bryan Park roads. Precinct 456 includes the western half of the township. (Courtesy of Greene County Board of Elections)

Precinct map of Yellow Springs
A map for Yellow Springs precincts 440, 441, 442 and 443 breaks the village down by quadrant. Miami Township precinct 455 includes the eastern portion of the township, or residences east of Grinnell and Bryan Park roads. Precinct 456 includes the western half of the township. (Courtesy of Greene County Board of Elections)

Yellow Springs voters are known for going their own way. In this election, did they ever.

In the presidential race, a whopping 89 percent of villagers (2,216 voters) threw their weight behind Hillary Clinton. The most true-blue Hillary precinct was 442, in the center of town.

Trump found few followers in Yellow Springs — but he did drew some. Seven percent of villagers (178 voters) cast ballots for the maverick Republican. Voters in precinct 440, on the north edge of town, were slightly more likely to vote for Trump.

Third-party candidates drew under 4 percent of villagers’ votes. Two percent of villagers voted for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, while 1.4 percent favored Libertarian Gary Johnson.

Voter turnout was strong, with 76 percent turnout overall, exceeding Greene County’s total turnout of 71 percent. Precinct 440 had the highest turnout, 81 percent.

Early voting was big in Yellow Springs, as it was across the nation. Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of Yellow Springers voted in the weeks before Election Day.

The inclinations of Miami Township voters were markedly different, more in line with county and national trends. Township precinct 455 favored Trump over Clinton 58 percent to 37 percent, while precinct 456 basically reversed that picture, supporting Clinton over Trump 63 percent to 32 percent. Township voters overall turned out at an extremely strong rate of about 80 percent.

Read the Nov. 17 issue of the News for precinct-level detail on state races, as well as reactions from villagers to the election.

Selected precinct-level results follow below.

Presidential race
Yellow Springs
440: Clinton, 619 (86.45%); Trump, 67 (9.36%); Johnson, 11 (1.54%); Stein, 14 (1.96%)
441: Clinton, 448 (88.25%), Trump, 40 (7.23%); Johnson, 6 (1.08%); Stein, 12 (2.17%)
442: Clinton, 560 (91.35%), Trump, 20 (3.26%); Johnson, 6 (0.98%); Stein, 23 (3.75%)
443: Clinton, 549 (88.41%), Trump, 51 (8.21%); Johnson, 12 (1.93%); Stein, 6 (0.97%)

Miami Township
455: Clinton, 154 (36.58%), Trump, 245 (58.19%); Johnson, 13 (3.09%); Stein, 5 (1.19%)
456: Clinton, 277 (63.1%), Trump, 140 (31.89%); Johnson, 6 (1.37%); Stein, 7 (1.59%)

Yellow Springs
440 (north): 80.67%
441(west): 74.7%
442 (center): 70.9%
443 (south): 78.86%

Miami Township
455: 80.96%
456: 79.96%

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3 Responses to “Yellow Springs elects Hillary”

  1. john says:


  2. Audrey Hackett says:


    The information we have from the Board of Elections is that provisional votes are still being counted and won’t be finalized until the end of Nov. But I think you’re raising larger issues and questions about the provisional voting process itself. I would be happy to talk to you about this–the News is planning some follow-up on the election. Feel free to get in touch: 767-7373 or ahackett [at] ysnews [dot] com. Thanks for commenting.


  3. Bee Lily says:

    Can we talk about the registered voters (who registered by the deadline) who were told to vote provisionally, and how their votes aren’t counted unless they call the board of elections? About how they need to go show ID even though most of them had it when the cast their votes at the polls?

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