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Mixin' in the Village Gravy by Amy Magnusstars

BLOG-Shaky Start

I do not have answers. I have a lot of questions. I must leave the reporting of last night’s events to the more experienced journalists of the News. But, in response to what I will refer to as a shaky start to 2017, I have a few things to ask of us all.

First, be well. Let us take good care of ourselves. Check in with each other. Support each other. Positive forces are working in this community to improve our health, economy, and well being. Seek those forces out and pledge yourself to our mutual empowerment.

Second, be active. The next village council meeting is at 7-9pm on Tuesday 3 January 2017 at the John Bryan Community Center. Let us gather peaceably and state clearly what we expect. Let us assert with confidence and vigor the standards that we live here together to uphold.

Third, be hopeful. We have a fine heritage of activism in this village. We have community. With that community, we can accomplish a great deal.

at the annual New Year's Eve ball dropdisco ball decked with lights

I brought my children to the New Years Eve’s ball drop in the center of our downtown…as I have since my daughter was one years old. I intend to keep doing that for years to come. I’m going to work over the next few months to ensure that intention is honored.

I’ve made the personal decision to not let the last year’s setbacks and, at times, devastating losses set me back on my heels. I’ve taken these events as a sign that my time to stand up and assert myself for our greater good is now. I don’t see how we have the luxury to wait and see what this new year brings. Now is the time to plumb our internal capacity and to make things work for as many of us and as diverse a group as possible. The beauty is we really do have a stunning amount of capacity. Channeling that capacity is our challenge.

I don’t say this lightly. I don’t say this with only a hand waving notion of what can be done. I say this with resolve and purpose. With you, my chosen people, I am ready to plan, make, and unite.


2 Responses to “BLOG-Shaky Start”

  1. beth says:

    I have plenty of questions as well. I visit this land of heaven often; I grew up near there, and now live a world away in an intolerant state. Going to YS has never caused me fear or angst. I have always felt safe, welcomed, and loved there. I have been for Street Fair, fall time, spring, and just for peaceful weekends.

    I read an article from 2015 about the police force. The comments made by the police chief are frightening. He seems to encourage and desire that YS becomes just like his old post, Montgomery County. He insists on traffic stops for everyone. And he blames anything and everything on visitors and tourists.

    How dare you, sir, take away my peaceful sanctuary of a village. How dare you attempt to turn this community into something YOU desire. How dare you blame visitors for wanting to fire off shots in the middle of Street Fair. How dare you treat your citizens in this manner.

    Please keep YS weird, safe, welcoming, and peaceful.

    Please re-evaluate this chief’s intentions and contract, along with the training of the officers. YS and those who love this village deserve better.

  2. Harriet Blackman says:

    Thanks, Amy, for your thoughtful blog comments and your call to activism. It is indeed time to encourage Village Government to honor Yellow Springs traditions and RID the Village of those who seek to change them. Observation has taught me that there are those who seem determined to change us into all the other small size and small-minded towns in Southwest Ohio. It appears that some of those folk do not live here, and because they work here they have assumed some “right” to inflict on us their narrow-minded interference. Enough is enough! Let’s start by hiring Yellow Springs residents to lead, serve and protect our town from anger and anarchy! I will be happy to join a search committee.

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