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Close up of the blooming sunflowers on Route 68.

BLOG- Making Moves: Sea of Sunflowers

I’ve always associated the color yellow with happiness and positivity. It’s bright and warm and seems to omit a special light separate from its already vibrant visage.

It’s no surprise to me that I was washed in those feelings of happiness when I paid a visit to the almost fully bloomed sunflower field on Route 68. When I moved to Yellow Springs earlier this May, I heard occasional mutterings and musings about the infamous field that blooms late summer every year. As a lover of flowers and sunflowers in particular, this is something I’ve really looked forward to experiencing.

Just as it seemed time for summer to retreat and fall to take charge, the flowers opened up towards the sun, painting the green space with endless petals that mimic watercolors. It feels like a final sendoff from summer, but also a warm welcome to autumn. As we got out of the car and strolled across the narrow street to the field’s personal farewell/welcome bash, I couldn’t help but smile.

I was already excited because I have been looking forward to this visit for months, but I was not expecting the immense joy I encountered from looking out and seeing so many people sprinkled throughout the blooms with their own smiles painted across their faces. It was weirdly emotional for some reason. Everybody was there to witness something natural and beautiful and everything just felt like it was radiating positivity. I think it would be very difficult to be anything but happy while standing in a sea of sun-soaked flowers.

As I tried to assess the best entry point for the field’s well being, I made my way to the back where the stalks seemed largely unbothered and a little bit more spaced out. Admittedly I am not always the most gentle and graceful person, so I wanted to take extra care to make sure I was being respectful of the land and the owners. It really was a privilege for me to get to visit this place and I was not about to disrespect this opportunity I had.

While I waded through the narrow walkways towards the heart of the field, I was trying very hard to ignore the abundance of bees drifting from flower to flower all around me. They could not have cared less about me at that point though, not with all the pollen their little bee hearts desire available en masse. After all, they were here for the flowers just like I was.

When I made it to my desired spot, I took a few minutes to snap some pictures and take in how truly beautiful the rows of newly opened blooms are. As the sun fell, I made my way to the exit, content and ready for dinner. I am so grateful for the opportunity to witness such a collective feeling of positivity and beauty, all thanks to the generosity of Dave and Sharen Neuhardt (the owners of the field) as well as the Tecumseh Land Trust for making the property open to strangers.

*Jessica Sees is an Ohio University student interning with the News.


4 Responses to “BLOG- Making Moves: Sea of Sunflowers”

  1. Lauren Shows says:

    Hi Sarah,

    A sign at the Tecumseh Land Trust, where the most popular sunflower field around town is located on 68, reads that they should bloom around Sept. 9. Hope this helps.

  2. Sarah Knasel says:

    Are the Sunflowers in bloom yet? 8/18/18

  3. Nganga says:

    Beautiful flowers

  4. Lindsay Borgerding says:

    Are the flowers still blooming? I want to see them so very much!

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