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Articles by Jessica Sees

More Articles by Jessica Sees
  • New manager at Antioch School

    Nathan Summers took over as the new school manager of the Antioch School, a small, private school in the village, after former manager M.J. Richlen left last year. Summers previously was board chair at the school and vice president of student affairs at the School of Advertising Art in Kettering. (Photo by Jessica Sees)

    Nathan Summers, a Yellow Springs resident of 20 years, has been handed the unicycle as the new school manager at the Antioch School.

  • BLOG- Making Moves: Dear Yellow Springs,

    Spending the summer in this village has made me attach my first day feelings of relaxation to Yellow Springs permanently. I’ve learned to spend more time with myself, slow down and appreciate nature. I’ve met so many wonderful, beautiful people and my summer here will stay with me for a long time to come.

  • BLOG-Making Moves: Home in a New Home

    Whenever I spend an extended period of time in a new environment, I find myself looking for comfort spots where I know I will be able to go when I need to take a breather. Even in this village, where everywhere feels as if it’s meant to be comforting, I found myself identifying my yard as my own little oasis within an oasis.

  • House of AUM stretches into new space

    House of AUM, the Kings Yard yoga shop, expanded to the former home of Rita Caz in June. Pictured here in the renovated space is owner Melissa Herzog. The business recently received a Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA, for its new look. (Photo by Jessica Sees)

    After three weeks of renovations including new floors, crisp white paint and re-stained woodwork, the new sun-filled addition to House of AUM opened its doors on June 24 with the goal of expansion achieved.

  • BLOG- Making Moves: Sea of Sunflowers

    I’ve always associated the color yellow with happiness and positivity. It’s bright and warm and seems to omit a special light separate from its already vibrant visage. It’s no surprise to me that I was washed in those feelings of happiness when I paid a visit to the almost fully bloomed sunflower field on Route 68.

  • BLOG- Making Moves: Glen and Gorge

    Like many people, I have always found myself at my most relaxed when I’m spending time outside. More specifically, I find my most quiet moments on sidesteps and river rock hops slightly off of any hiking trail.

  • Mosaics and more at annual Art on the Lawn

    The 34th annual Art on the Lawn art fair will take place this Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the grounds of Mills Lawn School, featuring a variety of artists from Yellow Springs, Ohio and surrounding states. Shown above is a scene from last year’s Art on the Lawn. (News Archive photo by Isaac Delametre)

    The 34th annual Art on the Lawn is taking place this Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Mills Lawn School. The annual event presented by Village Artisans is free to the public. 

  • BLOG- Making Moves

    The sunset view from my beautifully wooded and greatly admired (by me) backyard.

    Jessica Sees, an Ohio University student interning at the News, shares her reflections on adjusting to her new home and life as a resident of Yellow Springs in her blog, Making Moves.

  • Wander & Wonder into new store

    Jake Brummett, shown above, and his wife, Raina, recently opened Wander & Wonder, a store featuring outdoor lifestyle gear in the space formerly occupied by OATS and, before that, Urban Handmade. The couple sell products, including pet gear and hammocks, from environmentally responsible companies. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Jake Brummett, owner of the newly opened outdoor lifestyle store Wander & Wonder, is no stranger to the trails and hiking spots throughout Yellow Springs.

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