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  • BLOG-Countdown

    May we greet each other warmly in the coming year.

  • Tecumseh Land Trust receives funding for Jacoby Creek Partnership

    A collaboration among Community Solutions, Tecumseh Land Trust and the Nature Conservancy was undertaken in 2017 to help restore — and "re-meander" — Jacoby Creek. (Photo via Community Solutions,

    Tecumseh Land Trust’s “Jacoby Creek Partnership” proposal was selected for funding this week by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or NRCS.

  • Holiday traditions, silly and sweet

    In the Denman family at the holiday season, one family member each year dressed up as Santa Claus, and the others dressed up as that person or something about that person’s experience. This photo shows Matt Denman in 1988 dressed as his grandmother, who is, obviously, dressed as Santa. According to Donna Denman, one year the person playing Santa was a film student, so the rest of the family dressed as characters from a Bergman film. (Submitted photo)

    Each year at this time the News assembles a story based on readers’ submissions on a holiday theme. This year we asked readers to share stories of holiday traditions that are meaningful to them and their families.

  • ‘One man, one hand’ at Antioch

    First-year Antioch College student Aaron Westbrook is the founder and CEO of Form5 Prosthetics, a company that makes prosthetic limbs, like the one he’s wearing, from recycled plastic. Westbrook is pictured in his lab space at Antioch with some of the plastic he collected from the local community during a recent plastics drive. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Enter Aaron Westbrook’s lab at Antioch College, and the first thing you’ll see is a table full of arms and hands.

  • School board seeks levy, tax increase for facilities improvements

    by Yellow Springs School Board The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously at its Dec. 14 meeting to seek a May 2018 levy for a proposed $18.5 million rebuild/renovation of McKinney Middle/YSHS. Pictured here is a concept design, prepared by Ruetschle Architects and presented at the meeting, showing the buildings targeted for demolition, as well as those where renovations only are planned. (Rendering submitted)

    The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously Thursday, Dec. 14, to seek  $18.5 million for the “renovation and partial replacement of existing 7–12 facilities” through a combination income tax and bond levy request to be put on the May 8, 2018, ballot.

  • Board eyes school enrollment

    Fewer students are leaving the Yellow Springs school district to attend other area school settings than in the past couple of years, but the number is still of concern.

  • Village Council— Blacks get more citations

    African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.

  • BLOG—2017: Making 2016 look better since January 2

    In my experience, year-in-review pieces tend to be the embodiment of the theme some from Facts of Life: “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have” a cache of schmaltz, a cache of schmaltz! 

  • From VYS to the NYT

    Yellow Springs native Monica Drake, a New York Times journalist, was recently promoted to assistant managing editor, a position that appears on the venerable paper’s masthead. She will oversee new digital features and products for the paper. She traces her love of writing to her childhood in Yellow Springs. (Submitted photo)

    In early December, the New York Times elevated Yellow Springs native Monica Drake to its masthead as an assistant managing editor who will oversee the paper’s new digital features and projects.

  • Visual artists, poets, dancers sought for Cello Springs concert

    The Cello Springs Festival, first held in January 2017, will return in January 2018. Participants and volunteers are being sought.

    The Cello Springs Festival is seeking visual artists, poets and dancers who would like to collaborate for a concert at Glen Helen’s Vernet Auditorium to be held on Wednesday, Jan. 10 at 7:30 p.m.

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