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  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Village Council Regular Meeting, Tuesday, January 21, 2020 in Council Chambers, second floor, Bryan Community Center

  • Public Meetings


  • January 16, 2020 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    January 16, 2020 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

  • Village job opening: Planning Commission

    Village job opening: Planning Commission

  • Maxine Margolis Leventhal

    Maxine Margolis Leventhal, aged 97 years, passed away on Saturday morning, Jan. 4, 2020.

  • MLK Jr. Day in the village

    Villagers once again braved one of the colder days of the year to march in commemoration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and in support of his ideals. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    “Raising Your Voice for Justice” is the theme of this year’s local Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration. The events, which include two programs and a march downtown, will be held on Monday, Jan. 20.

  • Local filmmakers to return to Oscars

    Steve Bognar and Julia Reichart are shown in Park City, Utah, where they last week attended the prestigious Sundance Film Festival to show their documentary, “American Factory.” The filmmakers brought home one of the festival’s top honors, the “Directing Award: U.S. Documentary.” (Submitted photo)

    “American Factory,” the documentary film by villagers and filmmakers Steve Bognar and Julia Reichert, has been nominated for the Academy Award for “Best Documentary Feature.”

  • Greene County Career Center to host info night, chili supper

    The Greene County Career Center is asking county voters to pass a 1.03-mill property tax levy to build a new center near the intersection of U.S. 68 and U.S. 35 in Xenia. The current facility is located at 2960 W. Enon Road in Xenia Township. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    For the last time at its current location just southwest of Yellow Springs, the Greene County Career Center will host its annual open house and chili supper on Thursday, Jan. 16, from 5 to 7 p.m.

  • First Lines — JOY JOY JOY

    A poem from a former villager, the late Jean Barlow Hudson. Strange, dreamlike, filled with somberness and joy, Jean’s poem helps us welcome the turning of the year.

  • Six months’ reporting on Greene County Jail

    With the March 17 presidential primary just over two months away, Greene County voters are deciding whether to approve a 12-year, 0.25% sales tax increase to pay for a new, larger jail. Read about the project and related issues here.

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