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  • Village Comprehensive Land Use Plan— Parking, Glass Farm changes

    A design for expanding parking around Mills Lawn was removed from the Village’s draft comprehensive land use plan during Village Council’s Oct. 5 virtual meeting.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Online instruction set to continue

    Instruction for the 700-some students enrolled in Yellow Springs Schools will remain online for at least another quarter.

  • COVID-19 update— Cases rise in Greene County

    COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the county. The virus was slow to take hold here, but the county saw a spike in June, a larger spike in July, some moderating in August and a surge beginning in late August that hasn’t let up.

  • Senior Center to reopen Monday

    That door will open again on Monday, Oct. 19, as the Senior Center welcomes seniors back with a “Coffee and Donuts with Friends” event.

  • Ellen Frances Pillard

    Ellen Frances Pillard died on Oct. 8, 2020, at the Converse Home in Burlington, Vt. Her death came from Alzheimer’s disease.

  • James Pavey Wilson

    James Pavey Wilson, 88, of Lake Suzy, Fla. (formerly of Springfield, Ohio; Leroy, Ohio; and Sabina, Ohio) passed away on Oct. 13, 2020, in Port Charlotte, Fla.

  • October 15, 2020 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    October 15, 2020 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

  • Voting begins for Nov. 3 election

    Election Day — Tuesday, Nov. 3 — is less than a month away, and election season in Ohio is in full swing.

  • Senior Center reopening halted

    After the announcement that Greene County had been elevated to level 3, or “red,” by the Ohio Public Health Advisory System, the YS Senior Center has halted its plan to reopen for in-person events. The elevation to level 3 indicates “very high exposure or spread” of COVID-19.

  • COVID-19 surge; Greene County elevated to ‘red’

    With COVID-19 cases surging in Greene County, the county was elevated to “red” in the state’s warning system for the first time on Oct. 15. Greene County is seeing “very high exposure and spread” of the virus.

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