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  • James Franklin “Jeff” Inslee

    James Franklin “Jeff” Inslee passed away peacefully on Jan. 21, 2022, at Soin Medical Center.

  • Bernd Dehne

    Bernd Dehne passed away on Jan. 19, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio. He was 59.

  • Brian Carlos Robles

    Brian Carlos Robles passed away on Jan. 21, 22. He was born in New York City on July 15, 1978, to his mother, Carol Robles, and his father, Carlos Robles.

  • Anthony Henry

    Anthony Henry was born June 7, 1958, in Springfield, Ohio, and transitioned home Jan. 18, 2022, at the University of Cincinnati Hospital. He is at peace and at rest, at home with the Lord.

  • Doris and Tom Rowland

    Doris E. Rowland, 89, of Peoria, Ill., passed peacefully on Jan. 9, 2022, after a remarkable life.

  • Karen McKee honored at Martin Luther King Day event

    Over a blanket of snow, more than 100 villagers marched through downtown Yellow Springs in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day march on Monday, Jan. 17.

  • Two Planning Commission members resign

    Sarah Sinclair-Amend, who served as a voting member, resigned Jan. 13; and Matthew Kirk, who served as an alternate, resigned Jan. 6.

  • New school board makeup expected to bring changes

    After more than a decade, when changes in school board makeup occurred mostly one new member at a time, amid the constancy of veteran office holders serving multiple terms and carrying over familiar approaches, newcomers are in the super-majority as 2022 begins.

  • Artist Profile | Iden Crockett’s self-discovery via collage

    “Who am I, where am I, and where do I want to be?” These questions, along with detailed storytelling and self-discovery, are expressed like a thread through each drawing, collage and poem of local artist Iden Crockett.

  • New school board members take seats

    The Yellow Springs school board’s annual organizational meeting, conducted in the Mills Lawn gym on Thursday, Jan. 13, began with the swearing in of its three newest members: Dorothée Bouquet, Judith Hempfling and Amy Magnus.

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