The view of Fall Street Fair 2018 from the porch at the Mills Park Hotel in early afternoon. (Photo by Olivia Hasek)

The view of Fall Street Fair 2018 from the porch at the Mills Park Hotel in early afternoon. (Photo by Olivia Hasek)

Spring Street Fair 2022 canceled

The YS Chamber of Commerce announced last week via its website that it has canceled the 2022 spring Street Fair.

In the web announcement, the Chamber stated that the organization had received feedback from “villagers, visitors, vendors, businesses and bands” who wanted the event to return, but that the Chamber did not believe it could “do anyone justice by trying to hold a spring Street Fair in 2022.”

The announcement stated: “We are committed to bringing Street Fair back in the fall; we are partnering with local groups on producing events that will appeal to villagers and visitors alike, while providing opportunities for businesses, music and general merriment in the village in 2022.”

To read the full announcement, visit yellowspringsohio.org/street-fair. For more information, email info@yschamber.org.


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6 Responses to “Spring Street Fair 2022 canceled”

  1. Matt Minde says:

    Hello! Your concern concern about Street Fair is appreciated, however the CDC DOES NOT state that a vaccine is not required if one has recovered from COVID-19. Here’s an answer to this question from the CDC website:

    You should get a COVID-19 vaccine even if you already had COVID-19.

    Getting sick with COVID-19 offers some protection from future illness with COVID-19, sometimes called “natural immunity.” The level of protection people get from having COVID-19 may vary depending on how mild or severe their illness was, the time since their infection, and their age. No currently available test can reliably determine if a person is protected from infection.

    Emerging evidence shows that getting a COVID-19 vaccine after you recover from COVID-19 infection provides added protection to your immune system. One study showed that, for people who already had COVID-19, those who do not get vaccinated after their recovery are more than 2 times as likely to get COVID-19 again than those who get fully vaccinated after their recovery.

    I hope this offers some clarity. As always, please check your facts before making public statements that might have unintended consequences.

  2. YS Resident says:

    CDC now says if you had COVID you don’t need vaccines- it’s the same thing they are saying. Most of us knew this all along. Let’s get back to Street Fair. The village needs this revenue, as they are trying to build 143 homes to handle lack of funds! This will change YS forever with a whole lot less charm to our little village.

  3. Helen Boogerstein says:

    I didn’t see many masks at the big Bengals/Chiefs game this past weekend! I’m reading masks are required, as is proof of vax, at the Super Bowl game???? You know, everyone is getting weary of the double standard regardless of their age. Can you clue us in on the game plan? Are we trying for herd immunity? Families are breaking up because one person follows one set of protocols and a spouse believes in another. This is some madcap BS and I don’t understand where we’re at or where we are heading any longer. Cancelling a street fair is the least of what this pandemic has done and continues to do to people. Good Luck.

  4. Splendid Memories says:

    Vendors can probably utilize online marketing options that may help. The other great loss is a sense of community spirit that was always representative of the heart and best of Yellow Springs.

  5. Merry Village says:

    Myself, well, I am not tech savvy but I am told that you can cast a YouTube video to a big screen for free. I think it may require some thing called a smart TV. Now, if that is true, could you not find a Big Room where vaccinated persons could socially distance and perhaps see the screen to learn to play a ukulele or host a strum along? There are lots of play along videos on the YouTube. Seems many songs are just 3 chords any how. Is it safe enough and time to try something like that? Imagine. If the whole village were making a little noise together. We wouldn’t feel so forgotten. We wouldn’t even have to sing right now and could keep a mask on if you want. People need a place to play safely. Maybe post some ideas on how to meet together safely. I don’t think a community can risk becoming strangers to itself forever. Best Wishes towards the merriment! 🙂



  6. Peace & Love says:

    There is still so much controversy about showing proof of vaccination for crowded venues. It is very disappointing. People are tired but they want to remain healthy. As a senior citizen I’m reluctant of crowds that don’t provide some assurance of vaccination status or practice safety protocols (which can’t be enforced apparently) for admittance. It’s rather boring waiting for the pandemic to subside. Get your boosters and stay strong, you’re not alone; even though sometimes it feels like it 🙁 Peace&Love

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