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  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Village Council Agenda

    Village Council Agenda

  • A timeline of theater in Yellow Springs

    Yellow Springs’ theater timeline begins in earnest in 1891, when construction of the Yellow Springs Opera House was completed at the corner of Winter and Dayton streets.

  • Village Council votes down busking rules

    During a busy and beautiful holiday weekend in Yellow Springs, a street busker entertained holiday shoppers while villagers went about their regular business. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At its regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, Village Council voted down an ordinance that would have added regulations for buskers and street performers in the village.

  • Art collective’s works now on display

    The next time you step into The Winds, expect to be transported into a world of whimsical impressionism and colorful, modern improv — among other visual expressions.

  • My Name Is Iden | A Testimony of Sadness

    Banner for column "My Name is Iden" by Iden Crockett

    “I have many stories. Every paramedic does. “War stories,” we call them. Some we tell over and over to anyone who hasn’t heard them, and anyone who has.”

  • YS Schools district offices to move

    At the regular meeting of the Board of Education on Thursday, Oct. 13, the board voted to move ahead with a plan to relocate the district offices from their current location across the street from Mills Lawn on Walnut Street to a leased office suite at 888 Dayton St. owned by MVECA.

  • Village Council | Regular Meeting Oct. 17

    Business conducted during Village Council’s most recent meeting Monday, Oct. 17, included the following topics: a noise ordinance, the fourth quarter supplemental budget, a Rumpke contrat and more.

  • YSHS Volleyball | Phil Renfro named coach of the year

    Following the YSHS varsity volleyball team’s championship win in the Metro Buckeye Conference last month, Phil Renfro was honored for leading the team to victory — he was named coach of the year by the conference.

  • COVID Update | Nov. 10, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County’s number of new cases fell for the week of Oct. 27–Nov. 2, with 146, compared to 208 for the week Oct. 20–26, according to the CDC.

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