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Articles by Audrey Hackett :: Page 26

  • The realities of race in Yellow Springs schools

    Racially insensitive or offensive remarks. Racial jokes. Words and actions that express disregard or disrespect for people of diverse races, ethnicities and religions. Social divisions that fall along racial lines.

  • Antioch College—‘Colloquia’ invites in the community

    Antioch College’s Colloquia 2017 showcases graduating seniors’ capstone projects from a range of disciplines, including several performance works. Pictured above are Hannah Priscilla Craig, ‘17, with Esmé Westerlund, ‘18, in a performance installation called “r e f l e c t,” presented earlier this year with Jennifer Bish, ‘18, Cristian Perez-Lopez, ‘17, Ephraim Zamora, ‘20, and guest artist Karina Faulstich. The Colloquia runs from June 12 through June 24, graduation day. (Submitted photo by Juan-sí Gonzalez)

    More than 50 Antioch College graduating seniors across all academic divisions are represented in this year’s colloquia, which the college plans to hold as an annual event.

  • Explore student work at Antioch College’s Colloquia 2017

    Antioch College’s Colloquia 2017 showcases graduating seniors’ capstone projects from a range of disciplines, including several performance works. Pictured above are Hannah Priscilla Craig, ‘17, with Esmé Westerlund, ‘18, in a performance installation called “r e f l e c t,” presented earlier this year with Jennifer Bish, ‘18, Cristian Perez-Lopez, ‘17, Ephraim Zamora, ‘20, and guest artist Karina Faulstich. The Colloquia runs from June 12 through June 24, graduation day. (Submitted photo by Juan-sí Gonzalez)

    Antioch College presents Colloquia 2017, a showcase of student work. Held on campus now through June 24, all events are free and open to the public.

  • Friends help potter to rebuild

    Local potters Bruce Grimes and Lisa Goldberg have been close friends and collaborators for 17 years. When Grimes lost his studio to a fire in April, Goldberg got to work organizing a silent auction and fundraiser to benefit the longtime potter and teacher. The event will be held Tuesday, June 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Brewery. (submitted Photo)

    Local potter Bruce Grimes was awake and vigilant in the early morning hours of April 23, doing what he’s done hundreds of times: fire pots.

  • BLOG— One Earth, one home

    A collaboration among Community Solutions, Tecumseh Land Trust and the Nature Conservancy was undertaken in 2017 to help restore — and "re-meander" — Jacoby Creek. (Photo via Community Solutions,

    Does it have to be said? There is only one way. Only one Earth, only one home. A blue-green marble spinning in space. A reclaimed farm, a re-meandered stream. A deeply grooved old cottonwood growing up from the middle of a marsh.

  • Silent auction to benefit potter Bruce Grimes

    Local potter Lisa Goldberg is organizing a silent auction and fundraiser for her close friend and colleague, Bruce Grimes. It will take place at the Yellow Springs Brewery on Tuesday, June 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. (Submitted photo)

    Villagers can help local potter Bruce Grimes rebuild after a devastating studio fire. There will be a silent auction and fundraiser at the YS Brewery this Tuesday, June 13, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

  • Village Council takes steps to assess local housing needs

    Village Council at its May 15 meeting signaled its support for undertaking a housing needs assessment, or HNA, to determine current and future housing needs in Yellow Springs.

  • AU set to sell Midwest building

    Antioch University plans to sell its Yellow Springs campus building, according to a letter from Interim Chancellor William Groves dated May 30 and shared with the press this week.

  • Antioch University to sell AUM campus in Yellow Springs

    Antioch Midwest was named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Roll for its work in creating supportive pathways for transfer students.

    Antioch University announced plans to sell the AUM building on the western edge of Yellow Springs in a letter from Interim Chancellor William Groves this week.

  • Medical marijuana facility— Cresco Labs on Yellow Springs land?

    In one fell swoop, Yellow Springs could become home to a new employer, its first business on the CBE land on the village’s western edge and one of just 24 medical marijuana grow operations in Ohio.

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