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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 20

  • New Mills Lawn principal named

    Yellow Springs Schools has tapped an elementary school principal with Cleveland public schools as the new principal at Mills Lawn Elementary.

  • Yellow Springs native tapped by Chicago Bears

    Ahmad Wagner’s athletic drive and discipline has landed him a spot on the roster of one of the most elite national professional football teams — the Chicago Bears.

  • Prisons hit hard by COVID-19

    The high number of COVID-19 cases being reported in the state’s prisons is of grave concern for Yellow Springs residents who volunteer in area facilities or have family members who are incarcerated.

  • Ambulance billing rates increase

    The Greene County Miami Township Trustees unanimously approved a resolution Monday, May 4, to raise the billing rates for ambulance services.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— No early end to academic year

    Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden announced Friday, April 24, that despite the district’s hopes to end the school year two weeks early, after students reach the minimum instructional hours required by the state, distance learning will continue through the district’s originally scheduled final day, May 29.

  • Pandemic stressors affect mental health

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The current medical crisis of COVID-19, while physical in nature, affects our mental health, whether we contract the virus or not.

  • Students adapt to remote learning

    Interacting with teachers and classmates mostly through websites and online programs, distance learning provides an alternative to in-person classes.

  • State nixes YS school district’s hope to end academic year early

    In a letter to district families Friday, April 24, Superintendent Terri Holden wrote that the Ohio Department of Education, or ODE, “has provided strongly worded guidance stating that all schools should remain in session virtually until the last scheduled school day.”

  • Yellow Springs School District explores early end to school year

    Yellow Springs’ final day is currently set as May 29, with teachers’ last day scheduled June 1. But Superintendent Terri Holden would like to shorten the school year by two weeks and conclude the instructional year May 15.

  • Delays, confusion in primary

    As the deadline for voting in Ohio’s 2020 primary election nears, Greene County voters are reporting worrisome waits in receiving their requested absentee ballots as well as confusion around sometimes contradictory instructions.

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