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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 30

  • Fire, EMS calls on the rise

    Casey Brewer, who first came to Miami Township Fire-Rescue in 2013 as a member of the Explorer Post for teens, took this photo at a recent training event and shared it on the MTFR Facebook page. Brewer, 19, recently received EMT certification, Chief Colin Altman reported at the Miami Township Trustees’ most recent meeting Monday, July 1. (Submitted photo by Casey Brewer)

    Crew members of Miami Township Fire-Rescue are responding to more emergency calls than ever before, according to statistics recently released by the department.

  • New arts courses offered at YSHS

    Students at McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School will have some new elective course offerings available to them next year in the arts and communication fields.

  • Helping the helpers at MTFR, YSPD

    Local fire and emergency medical service personnel and law enforcement officers are paying closer attention to the secondary trauma experienced by first responders in the line of duty. Ready to answer the next emergency call on a recent Tuesday morning was a five-person Miami Township Fire-Rescue crew, from left, recently promoted Lieutenant Joe Panuto, Explorer Gavin Sweet, firefighters/EMTs Josh Sweet and Cassady Brewer and Chief Colin Altman. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In the last two weeks of May alone, Miami Township Fire-Rescue crews responded to 40 calls for emergency medical service and 15 reports of fire. When a call comes in, local first responders never know exactly what they might find when they arrive. The result is that the work is physically demanding and emotionally taxing.

  • School board considers sale of land

    A recently conducted land-use study of property owned by Yellow Springs Schools concluded that the district has about 23 acres of “underutilized land” that “could be considered for subdivision and redevelopment as residential properties.”

  • Miami Twp. meeting— Firehouse groundbreaking

    Groundbreaking for the township’s long-awaited new firehouse, to be constructed on the south side of the village, is expected to take place in late August or early September, Miami Township Trustee Chairperson Chris Mucher said earlier this month.

  • Couple saved in morning fire

    Lightning was the likely cause of an early morning house fire Tuesday, May 28, that sent three Yellow Springs residents to the hospital, fire Chief Colin Altman said this week.

  • YS Schools facilities— New report, familiar concerns

    Local school buildings are in immediate need of upgrades. That was the paraphrased conclusion Wednesday, May 15, when representatives of the architectural engineering firm hired by Yellow Springs Schools to conduct an independent assessment of district facilities presented their findings to a joint meeting of the school board and the recently formed facilities task force.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Senior achievements honored

    Ronnebaum and Bryan, who were recipients of a number of the awards distributed this year, have also been chosen to be the 2019 student speakers at commencement exercises Thursday, May 30.

  • Choirs to come together in ‘Concert for Peace and Unity’

    The Yellow Springs-based World House Choir will join with the Jeremy Winston Chorale and the choir of Kettering Seventh-day Adventist Church in a “Concert for Peace and Unity” on Saturday, May 25, to counter the message of a rally earlier in the day in downtown Dayton by a KKK-affiliated group from Indiana.

  • Dress code comment spurs controversy

    A woman who works in food service at the high school faces the possibility of losing her job after separate public and private social media posts came to the attention of school officials last week.

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