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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 32

  • ‘A tear in the social fabric’ — Beloved son, friend still missing

    Anyone who spends much time in downtown Yellow Springs knows Lonya Clark, called Leo by many of his friends. A once daily presence in the coffee shops and streets of town, the young man is known for greeting most everyone with a smile and friendly nod. Clark hasn’t been seen or heard from since mid-January.

  • School board—Hatert gets 3-year contract

    The Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved current Vice Principal Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School beginning the 2019–20 school year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In a special meeting Thursday morning, March 21, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School, beginning the 2019–20 school year.

  • Yellow Springs Schools—Facilities task force begins work

    An 11-member task force assigned to develop a plan for addressing local school facility needs — both now and in the future — is beginning its work by seeking opinions from the community.

  • School Board—Superintendent search begins

    At its regular meeting Thursday, March 14, the board welcomed two representatives of a Columbus-based firm that will assist throughout the process of getting a new superintendent hired before the end of the school year.

  • New YS principal approved

    In a special meeting Thursday morning, March 21, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved a three-year contract with Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School beginning the 2019–20 school year.

  • New YSHS McKinney Middle School principal to be approved

    The Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved current Vice Principal Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School beginning the 2019–20 school year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In a special meeting Thursday, March 21, the Yellow Springs school board was expected to approve Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School for the 2019–20 school year.

  • New delay for new firehouse

    A recent rendering of the Miami Township Fire-Rescue station by project architects MSA Architects of Cincinnati shows what the new fire station along Xenia Avenue may look like. The project has been delayed because an initial bid to construct it was too high. (Rendering courtesy of MSA Architects)

    With a third round of construction bids again coming in too high, Miami Township Trustees will be returning to the drawing board for another attempt at reducing the projected costs of building a new firehouse on the south side of town.

  • Project-based presenters

    LEFT: Third-grade teacher Peg Morgan, aka “Trevor, a Yellow Springs mushroom,” speaks with third-grade student-scientists Bryce Fleming and Kaitlyn Macduff about the importance of mushrooms to healthy soil. RIGHT: Fourth-grade students of Carrie Juergens performed an original rap as part of their proposal that Mills Lawn cafeteria eliminates plastic flatware in favor of metal. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    Members of two Mills Lawn classes separately addressed the school board during its meeting Thursday, March 14.

  • Yellow Springs Schools—Principal candidates welcomed

    In an executive session before the regular school board meeting on March 14, district Superintendent Mario Basora expects to come to a decision on selecting a new principal for Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School.

  • YS principal finalists address community

    The three finalists for principal at Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School participated this week in day-long individual interviews that included sessions with teachers, students and community members and concluded with an evening public presentation.

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