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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 2

  • Antioch University Seattle sells property in preparation to relocate

    Antioch University Seattle sold its building in downtown Seattle in order to begin leasing space in a new building just down the street.

  • Bobbi Barth joins community Physicians

    Bobbi Barth, doctor of osteopathy, is the newest practitioner to join Community Physicians of Yellow Springs.

  • New tenants to occupy 888 Dayton

    A handful of local businesses moved or plan to move into the mixed-use office and industrial building at 888 Dayton St. this year. The property’s owners, Yellow Springs, LLC, work with tenants to build office and production spaces to their specifications. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Last Thursday, Sept. 17, a steady stream of visitors came through a new entrance recently installed at 888 Dayton St., the former Creative Memories building.

  • Just for kicks

    Copper Cup, for preschool to kindergarten ages, plays weekly “pick up” games every Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

  • Man files false report of knifing

    After two days of investigation, the Yellow Springs Police Department determined that the Sept. 28 report of a knifing was unfounded.

  • Man stabbed at Gaunt Park early Monday morning

    A Yellow Springs resident was stabbed several times while walking in Gaunt Park in the early morning hours Monday, Sept. 28.

  • Eruptions of blues, jazz and gospel to happen all around Yellow Springs this weekend

    The annual AACW Blues Fest will return this year, with events held around town. (photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Yellow Springs’ Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest returns this weekend, starting Thursday, Sept. 24, and continuing all around the village.

  • CR holds on to CBE property

    Since last fall’s referendum that blocked the public funding of a local business park, the Village hasn’t spoken much about economic development.

  • Share stories with Nuns on the Bus

    Share your story at a potluck dinner with the Nuns on the Bus, who are stopping at the Senior Center this Saturday on their way to Washington, D.C.

  • When war inspired lives of peace

    This year marks the 70th year since the U.S. dropped the first and only atomic bombs in wartime history on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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