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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 5

  • Faith in change on climate

    As a member of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, Marionist Sister Leanne Jablonski hopes to unite faith groups in environmental awareness and responsibility.

  • Rope rescue in Clifton Gorge

    The Miami Township Fire-Rescue squad pulled a Centerville youth from the Clifton Gorge after she fell 30–60 feet into the “narrows” on Tuesday evening, June 23.

  • 40-year old John Bryan Community Pottery now nonprofit

    Krystal Luketic, director of Yellow Springs Community Pottery, has worked to complete the 501(c)(3) process that now makes the local ceramics center an official nonprofit organization. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    John Bryan Community Pottery took a big step toward growing in the community by finally incorporating as a nonprofit organization.

  • Miami Township budgets ambulance

    The 2016 Miami Township tax budget includes funds for the purchase of a new ambulance and a command vehicle for the Miami Township Fire-Rescue squad.

  • Yellow Springs day camp welcomes aspiring musicians

    Shirley Mullins' youngest student, Quentin Branlat, 6, played a measured and tonal “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on a quarter size cello while staring straight at his audience the entire performance. (photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs Summer Music Camps for players of all ages and instruments begin Monday, July 6.

  • History resounds in Clifton chautauqua

    The Ohio Chautauqua comes to Clifton June 30–July 4, with both daytime and evening workshops and performances. Historic performances will be given by, clockwise from left, Hank Fincken as gold seeker J.G. Bruff, Marvin Jefferson as Martin Luther King, Jr., Kevin Radaker as Henry David Thoreau, Dianne Moran as Indian captive Olive Ann Oatman and Debra Conner as Titanic survivor Edith Russell. (Submitted photo by Dented Lens Photography)

    The Ohio Chautauqua stops for a week in each of four cities through July 11, including Chillicothe, Akron, Clifton and Coshocton.

  • School board— District fundraiser job considered

    For the first time since devising the 2020 Strategic Plan five years ago, Yellow Springs school board members agreed to explore the possibility of using public funds to hire a professional fundraiser for the school district.

  • Spires of art and whimsy

    The Village of Yellow Springs Public Art Commission will award Tim and Kelley Callahan, here with their daughter Lucy, the first Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA, on Friday, June 19, 8 p.m. at the YSAC Gallery. At their home on the corner of Corry Street and Glen View Road, the Callahans have built ever-changing stone piles, or cairns, for the last 20 years. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The mystical garden of rock forms balanced precariously in the yard of Tim and Kelley Callahan has a life of its own.

  • Harness power of the potty

    In his nine years as the Village Water and Wastewater Superintendent, Joe Bates has overseen a complete overhaul of the wastewater treatment plant and the near-complete redesign of a new water treatment plant, and ushered both facilities back into compliance with current Environmental Protection Agency standards.

  • A sacred invitation to unity

    Yellow Springs resident Irene Bedard and Dayton resident Tom Bensman are working with the Miami Valley Council for Native Americans to host the first annual Five Rivers Chautauqua: Mending the Sacred Hoop June 19–28 at various sites in Dayton. For the full schedule of chautauqua events go to fiveriverschautauqua and click on the blue bar. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Irene Bedard has a broad indigenous heritage with the Inupiaq, Yup’ik, Cree and French Canadian people.

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