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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 7

  • Antioch College is a real food leader

    Antioch College Food Service Coordinator Isaac Delamatre joined students Sara Brooks and Rhianna Guerin on the Antioch Farm last week to talk about a growing group of 35 colleges and universities who have committed to consume at least 20 percent real food (local, humane, ecologically sound and fair trade) by 2020. Though new to the Real Food Challenge, the college is already leading the way with a pledge of 60 percent real food by 2020. (Photo by Laruren Heaton)

    According to Antioch Food Service Coordinator Isaac Delamatre, 56 percent of Antioch’s food is considered “real”, meaning sourced from locally owned, ecologically sound, humane farms with fair employment practices.

  • A short dance on Short Street

    A second flash mob in as many years will take to Short Street to the tune of “Shout” on Wednesday, May 27, at 1 p.m., followed by a party at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Participants of any age can learn the 2-minute choreographed routine at rehearsals at the Senior Center or online. Last year’s flashers danced to “Heard It Through the Grapevine.” (News Archive Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    In observance of National Senior Health and Fitness Day this year, and just for the fun of it, the Yellow Springs Senior Center will lead a flash mob to “Shout” in all those ways on Wednesday, May 27, at 1 p.m. on Short Street.

  • YSHS gains national honor a second time

    For the second time in the past five years, Yellow Springs High School was named one of the state’s top high schools in the annual U.S. News and World Report high school survey.

  • Academic project sharing closes out the Yellow Springs school year

    The Yellow Springs school district invited the community to two project-based sharing nights at the schools this week.

  • California ’49er stops at Mills Lawn along his journey

    Ohio Chautauqua actor Hank Fincken came to Mills Lawn School to present a preview of this summer’s living history tour in Clifton.

  • Morgan grants still suspended

    Last week’s sobering announcement that Antioch College’s first long-term president, Mark Roosevelt, will leave at the end of his five-year contract in December was buoyed by the simultaneous promise of a $6 million gift over five years from the Morgan Family Foundation.

  • Youth of color share their experience

    Yellow Springs High School senior Bryce White hasn’t seen much overt racism in school or in the village.

  • Kids get kicks (and fire truck rides!) with Miami Township Fire-Rescue

    The local fire and EMS squad held a fundraiser this weekend during National Emergency Medical Service Week.

  • Yellow Springs schools host all-school art show

    Yellow Springs schools will host its annual K–12 art show at McKinney/YSHS tonight, May 14, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

  • Yellow Springs police flush by comparison

    Policing is unique to each community, and each police department is designed around its own community’s population, budget, crime trends, minimum manning levels and sometimes a detailed work-load analysis. But comparing Yellow Springs police to police in comparable towns highlights some similarities and some differences between departments.

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