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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 8

  • Voters approve Yellow Springs school district levy

    Yellow Springs and Miami Township voters approved the local school district’s levy renewal at the polls on Tuesday, May 5.

  • NPR’s Noah Adams to give AUM commencement address

    Local resident Noah Adams will give the Antioch University Midwest commencement address on Sunday, May 3, at Kuss Auditorium in Springfield. Adams is a long-time National Public Radio host and currently contributes stories about people and places in the Midwest. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    NPR Contributing Correspondent and local resident Noah Adams will give the address at the Antioch University Midwest commencement to be held Sunday, May 3, at 2 p.m. at Clark State Community College’s Kuss Auditorium.

  • Fundraiser for Schumacher

    The Emporium will host Devil’s Backbone playing a fundraiser for local musician Carl Schumacher on Friday, May 1, 7–10 p.m.

  • School board— YSHS student liaison proposed

    Yellow Springs High School senior David Butcher proposed at the Yellow Springs School Board meeting last week that a member of the student body be appointed as a school board liaison.

  • Seitz organizes concert

    As a senior project, YSHS senior Josh Seitz, shown above tooting his clarinet, will host a recital featuring a handful of accomplished high school musicians performing Bach, Fuchs and Schubert on winds, strings and voice on Thursday, April 30, at 7 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. (archive news photo by Matt Minde)

    Yellow Springs High School senior Joshua Seitz didn’t adore playing music when in fourth grade he started taking piano lessons, along with his father and older brother.

  • Side saddle Seniors

    Pictured here are, from left, Anna Williamson, Rachel Hammond, Connor Gravely-Novello and Jennifer Lawson, cleaning saddles at the Riding Centre. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    In lieu of a senior trip, the 2015 Yellow Springs High School senior class engaged in a day of service on Friday, April 17.

  • Local Walmart protesters are sentenced

    Several Yellow Springs residents pleaded no contest in Fairborn Municipal Court last week to charges that they trespassed during two demonstrations in December to protest police aggression, following last summer’s police slaying of John Crawford III.

  • Academy demystifies coding

    Network engineer Ishema Umuhoza worked with Collin and Nick Calfee at the Yellow Springs Coding Academy’s inaugural open house earlier this month. The programming school officially opens its doors at the Kettering Science building on East South College Street on Saturday, May 9. Register by calling 937-554-3883. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Local computer whiz Ishema Umuhoza loves to play soccer and got seriously into bicycling to improve his overall fitness on the field.

  • Yellow Springs High School ball season in motion

    Last week the Yellow Springs High School baseball and softball teams took on the Cedarville Indians at a double header at home.

  • Yellow Springs holds fiber network forum Saturday

    A municipal network fiber forum will be held this Saturday, April 25, at the Miami Valley Educational Computer Association.

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