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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 47

  • Village OKs bidding on lot

    The Railroad Street property where the grain elevator once stood is going to auction this week, and the Village of Yellow Springs will be among the bidders.

  • Council eyes public art policy

    Village Council considered a draft art policy at its Oct. 15 meeting as a first step towards defining the types of art allowed in public spaces and the procedures for their approval.

  • Village buys downtown property at auction

    Village buys vacant lot at Railroad and Dayton Streets.

  • Village to consider bidding on land parcel downtown

    The Village Station development that has been hanging on as a concept plan for office and retail space at the corner of Dayton and Railroad Streets is all but quashed. But an opportunity for a new idea may be coming soon.

  • Zoning plans for an eclectic town

    The Yellow Springs zoning code has been viewed as cumbersome and expensive to approve, and is currently in the midst of an overhaul.

  • Village to consider bidding on ‘Village Station’

    Village Council will vote next week on whether to authorize a bid on the “Village Station” property at the corner of Railroad and Dayton Streets.

  • Villagers query chiefs-to-be

    If he is appointed police chief, candidate Tony Pettiford said he will work alongside his officers and be actively involved in the day-to-day policing of the community. If he is named police chief, candidate Art Scott said he will make sure officers and staff receive the training they need to be a top-notch police department.

  • Village Council— CBE federal grants reduced

    The Village of Yellow Springs learned this week that federal grant funds that have long been committed for road construction within the Village commerce park have been withdrawn. A federal earmark of $344,000 that was committed through the Ohio Department of Transportation for roads at the Village’s Center for Busines and Education was redirected last month to another project. The loss of funding cuts the CBE’s infrastructure budget by over 20 percent.

  • Village Art Stroll features guided tour

    YELLOW SPRINGS ART STROLL Friday, October 19, 6-9 p.m. YS Art Stroll is a major arts event in Yellow Springs, with many galleries and cafes open to provide artistic entertainment. During October Art Stroll, there will be two “Guided Art Strolls” (6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.) led by local artists. Park in the Glen Helen […]

  • Wright State professor Opolot Okia— Reexaming slavery

    Wright State professor Opolot Okia (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    In certain eras, it has perhaps been easier to say that slavery and forced labor are wrong than to live that principle.

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