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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 127

  • YSHS alumni return for tournament

    At the Yellow Springs High alumni basketball tournament held last weekend, former Bulldog stars went head-to-head.

  • Glen may become conservancy

    If a new collaboration is successful the Glen Helen Nature Preserve may be permanently protected from development in a few years. At a meeting last week, Gariot Louima of Antioch College, Nick Boutis of the Glen Helen Ecology Institute, Krista Magaw of the Tecumseh Land Trust and Bill Carroll of the Trust for Public Land, gathered in the Glen. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Glen Helen Nature Preserve has been saved from development several times in its 82-year history.

  • VIDEO: Fourth of July parade

    See a video from this year’s Fourth of July parade — from its jovial participants to its cheery spectators.

  • MacQueen to leave Home, Inc.

    Emily Seibel, left, takes over as the executive director of Home, Inc. next month when Marianne MacQueen, the affordable housing group’s founding board member and first director, steps down after more than 10 years at the helm. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Almost four decades separates Home, Inc. founding board member and first director Marianne MacQueen from her successor, Emily Seibel.

  • Name Tag Week is here!

    This week Yellow Springers will be donning name tags and getting to know each other a little better. Join in the fun by picking up a copy of this week’s News, which includes a sheet of tags, and read more about the idea here.

  • Village Council— Vote on natural gas coming

    The combined-cycle natural gas power plant, opening in Fremont, Ohio, in early 2012, will be owned and operated by the Village’s municipal power provider, AMP. (Submitted photo)

    Village Council will consider purchasing power from a new natural gas plant at its June 20 meeting in yet another decision affecting the town’s electricity portfolio and its carbon footprint.

  • Census rental data is surprising

    Tales of a tight rental market abound in Yellow Springs, in contrast to the latest U.S. Census data reporting 52 unoccupied rentals and a 7.9 percent rental vacancy rate in the village.

  • Green gardeners learn to grow

    Faith Morgan of Community Solutions started a monthly growers exchange, where expert local farmers will teach novice gardeners in exchange for a little farm labor. Here Morgan weeds her garden plot on East Whiteman Street, once tended by her grandfather, Arthur Morgan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)Faith Morgan of Community Solutions started a monthly growers exchange, where expert local farmers will teach novice gardeners in exchange for a little farm labor. Here Morgan weeds her garden plot on East Whiteman Street, once tended by her grandfather, Arthur Morgan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Gardening is not just for green thumbs any more. As more and more local neighborhood gardens sprout, the Growers Exchange offers a forum where seasoned local growers share their knowledge with novice gardeners in exchange for labor.

  • Cosey takes sixth at state

    Senior Cosey raced to sixth place in 100-meter dash at the Ohio Division III State Track and Field Championships. See a video of his run.

  • Weigh in on natural gas power plant

    Discussions on the environmental consequences of the Village’s electricity sources have heated up of late, especially since its municipal power provider AMP first asked the Village to purchase power from a new natural gas plant last month.

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