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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 133

  • Census shows resident drop

    If estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau hold, the population in the Village of Yellow Springs may have declined by 12.9 percent from 2000 to 2009, to 3,275 residents.

  • A weekend of wellness, healing in the village

    Learn new practices for optimal health. Refresh your body and renew your spirit after a long winter. Meditate, do yoga, make art, use herbs and explore the unconscious.

  • Manuel Martinez to read at final Antioch Fireside

    Manuel Martinez, a professor at OSU, will read from his novels "Drift," "Day of the Dead," and "Los Duros" on Sunday, March 20, at 2 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center.

    Author Manuel Martinez will complete Antioch’s Fireside Readings series when he reads from three of his novels. Find out more.

  • Village solar project proposed

    The Village of Yellow Springs, which already gets a third of its electricity from renewable sources, has an opportunity to add locally-produced renewable energy to its portfolio.

  • Energy report cards firststep towards conservation

    Energy report cards will soon be sent to some residents in hopes that the data will spur residents to make energy-efficiency upgrades to their homes.

  • Village affordable housing project elicits community support, concerns

    In a discussion of a proposed affordable housing development at Village Council’s Feb. 22 meeting, some villagers spoke in support of the potential public/private partnership to build four permanently-affordable homes.

  • 2010 Census results released

    The population of the Village of Yellow Springs is 3,487, according to data released from the U.S. Census Bureau today. Population in the village fell from 3,761 in 2000, a 7.3 percent drop.

  • Solar farm discussion continues

    SolarVision installed a 224-kilowatt solar array at the Athens Community Center last year.

    The Village is exploring the technical requirements for a 2 to 5 megawatt solar photovoltaic array that may be built in the Village. In a conference call this week, plans were made to study the Village’s electric distribution system before Council discusses SolarVision’s proposal at its March 22 meeting.

  • Cincinnati writers to read at this week’s Antioch Fireside

    The fourth in a series of fireside readings at Antioch College features three young creative writers pursuing their Ph.D.s at the University of Cincinnati — Rachel Steiger-Meister, Katherine Zlabek and Michelle Burke. They will read on Sunday, March 6, at 2 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch campus.

  • Chick, Malone to swim at state finals

    Yellow Springs High School junior Erika Chick blew past the competition in the 500-yard freestyle at last weekend’s district meet in Oxford, Ohio. She won by nearly seven seconds and qualified for the state finals with district titles in both the 200- and 500-yard freestyle. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last Saturday’s district tournament performances showed that juniors Erika Chick and Elizabeth Malone are getting even faster in victorious swims.

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