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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 132

  • Expressing the inexpressable through dance

    More than 50 local dancers will perform original pieces at the Yellow Springs Community Dance Concert on Friday and Saturday, March 25–26, at 7 p.m. at Antioch’s South Gym. Dancers at a recent rehearsal are, in the front row from left to right, Emma Sturm, Theresa Thinnes, Lara Bauer, Andrea Hutson, Anna McClure, Tricia Gelmini, Erin Wolf; middle row, Jade Turner, Kira Plumer, Savanna Amos, Jennifer Johnson, Victoria Walters, Carrie Speck, Nicole Manieri, Marybeth Wolf, Miriam Eckenrode; back row, Acala Cresci, Greta Hill, Aaron Logan, Amanda Hanisch, Ali Thomas and Charlotte Walkey (obscured). (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Movement can convey more emotion than words. Just watch dancer and choreographer Tricia Gelmini, whose piece at this weekend’s community dance concert will blend sorrow and joy in an expression of loss.

  • Minister passionate about justice

    Joe Hinds was chosen as the First Presbyterian Church’s new part-time pastor in January. The church will welcome Hinds and celebrate its recent sanctuary renovations at a worship service on Sunday, March 27, at 10:30 a.m. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Now preaching from the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church, new pastor Joe Hinds has a Southern accent and a passion for social justice.

  • State cuts have local budget impact

    Local institutions are reeling from the release of Gov. John Kasich’s biennial budget last week, which proposes funding cuts for local governments, schools, libraries and elder care facilities.

  • Garden with your neighbors

    Villagers can sign up to garden at one of four neighborhood garden plots around town — Bill Duncan Park, the Glass Farm, Fair Acres and Friends Care — where last year more than 50 families tilled and tended beds together.

  • James A. McKee Group to host affordable housing forum

    The James A. McKee Group will host “A Community Conversation about Affordable Housing” on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center Great Room (227 Xenia Avenue).

  • James A. McKee Group to host affordable housing forum

    The James A. McKee Group will host “A Community Conversation about Affordable Housing” on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center Great Room (227 Xenia Avenue).

  • New census data shows areas of growth, decline

    Yellow Springs lost an additional 7.3 percent of its population in the last decade, continuing a 40-year population plummet.

  • Education film series concludes with “Two Million Minutes”

    “Two Million Minutes,” a documentary comparing high school students in the United States with their counterparts in China and India, will be shown as the last film in the Yellow Springs School Board’s series on Saturday, March 26, at 1 p.m. at the Little Art Theatre.

  • CHART: Census results show population and diversity declines

    Yellow Springs lost an additional 7.3 percent of its population in the last decade, continuing a 40-year population plummet that has left the village with 24.6 percent fewer residents than in 1970, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau figures.

  • Dr. Sherry Weaton to empower the “inner healer” at Wellness Weekend

    Dr. Sherry Weaton, a Jungian workshop leader devoted to empowering the inner healer, will speak at Antioch University Midwest on Saturday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m

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