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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 39

  • Bike trail connector plans on a roll

    A long-envisioned bike path connecting the villages of Yellow Springs and Clifton shifted up a gear recently.

  • Village Council —  Surveillance tech discussed

    As police departments across the country increasingly adopt new surveillance technologies, communities such as Yellow Springs need to figure out ways to protect the civil liberties and privacy rights of residents from their use.

  • Quarry opponents undaunted

    A “No quarry” sign stands on the Vanderglas family farm along Garrison Road in Mad River Township two miles north of Yellow Springs, near the first phase of a proposed limestone mine. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    A few miles north of Yellow Springs, where the fight over a proposed limestone quarry has been brewing for more than a year, Mike Verbillion recently surveyed the fields surrounding his property.

  • Council eyes infrastructure

    Fixing sidewalks. Studying electric and stormwater systems. Buying a camera to inspect underground pipes. Repairing a wall of John Bryan Community Pottery. Installing remote-read water meters.

  • Meister gets hearing

    On Friday, Aug. 3, the Village of Yellow Springs conducted a pre-disciplinary hearing with Police Cpl. David Meister.

  • CDCs talk community empowerment in YS

    Taking a break from their retreat on the stairs of the Mills Park Hotel are representatives from community development corporations across Ohio. From left, top row, are Suzanne Parks and Nate Coffman of the OCDCA, Tom Reed of Gallia Meigs Community Action Agency, OCDCA Vice President and Home, Inc. Executive Director Emily Seibel, Jamar Doyle of Collinwood and Nottingham Villages Development Corporation and Melissa Miller of OCDCA; middle row, Al Norris of Adams Brown Community Action Partnership, Bambi Baughn of Community Action Commission of Fayette County, Don Corley of WSOS Community Action and Judy Jackson of the National Equity Fund; bottom row, Julie Sparks of ICAN Housing, Lisa Much of OCDCA, Alana Perez of OCDCA, Theresa Saelim of PNC Bank, Steve Torsell of Homes on the Hill CDC and Larry Fisher of ACEnet. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last week, the Ohio CDC Association, a statewide organization of 160 community development corporations, held its annual retreat in Yellow Springs.

  • Village urges return of state surplus to municipalities

    Yellow Springs, along with other municipalities in Ohio, is urging state leaders to return a $1147 million budget surplus, which the village hopes to use for infrastructure needs.

  • A day to honor Gabby and community

    The third Gabby Mason Day will take place this Saturday, Aug. 4, from 2 to 6 p.m. at John Bryan Center. The event honors the late villager known for his love of community and for feeding people. (YS News Archives)

    He fed people’s children. He fed those without money. He fed human rights organizers. He fed members of a diverse social club.

  • Village to celebrate “Gabby Day” — “It’s nice to be nice. Try it!”

    Those who knew — and loved — “Gabby” Mason are throwing a “Gabby Day” this Saturday to celebrate of the late barbecue chef’s legendary cooking and kind heart.

  • Council weighs greenbelt against growth

    Village Council briefly discussed which properties should be preserved as greenspace, and which should be kept available for potential future housing development.

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