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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 69

  • YSHS co-ed tennis opens season

    The YSHS co-ed varsity tennis team opened its season this week with three straight home games.

  • A home that takes care of you

    Lauren and Zac Craig recently prepared the land on a property just outside of Clifton to build a passive solar earth-berm Earthship with old tires, discarded glass bottles and other used materials. The start of a series of Earthship construction workshops and work days begins April 12–13 with a weekend workshop on tire foundation. Also pictured is the Craig’s son, Elliot. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A young couple hopes to quit their day jobs, live closer to the land and raise their toddler in nature. The story is straight out of the early 1970s, and so is the passive solar house the couple plans to build out of old tires and tin cans.

  • High foreclosure rate prompts workshop

    Though Yellow Springs has weathered the housing crisis well with only a small dip in home sale prices, foreclosure rates are relatively high here and may be on the uptick. A workshop hopes to address the problem.

  • April 10, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

    April 10, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

  • At time, home is where the work is

    Like many of today’s college graduates, Emma Woodruff left Antioch College under a mountain of debt and with few job prospects. So she fell into a growing local industry catering to tourists and residents — accommodation and food service — working stints as a Sunrise Café server and in the kitchen of the Emporium Café.

  • Girls softball has strength in numbers

    Members of the 2014 Yellow Springs High School girls varsity softball team are, from left, front row, Ashley Longshaw, Jesi Worsham and Chelsea Horton; back row, Dani Worsham, Amelia Gray, Victoria Willis, Aliza Skinner, Rachel Hiatt, Evelyn Greene, Sierra Lawrence, Rachele Orme, Olivia Ramage. Not pictured are Nekyla Hawkins, Danny Horton and Shanice Wright. (Submitted photo by Jimmy DeLong)

    Four years ago the Yellow Springs High School softball team was unable to field a team due to lack of numbers. Times have changed, and this year there are 15 players on the roster.

  • Fewer local jobs, more commuting

    Will LeVesconte assembled robotic connectors this week at the South High Street facility of local electronics distribution company Electroshield. LeVesconte, who grew up in the village and now lives in Fairborn, is one of the nearly 1,200 people who commute to Yellow Springs for their job. Commuters make up 80 percent of the local workforce. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Heidi Hoover could be considered one of the lucky few. Her dream of living and working in Yellow Springs came true seven years ago when, after returning to her hometown to start a family, she was hired as a second-grade teacher at Mills Lawn Elementary School after substitute teaching there.

  • CHARTS: More jobs trends in YS

    Fewer local jobs has meant more commuting for residents, but residents are also increasingly working out of their homes and starting their own businesses. Read about more local job trends.

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    Members of the 2014 Yellow Springs High School girls varsity softball team are, from left, front row, Ashley Longshaw, Jesi Worsham and Chelsea Horton; back row, Dani Worsham, Amelia Gray, Victoria Willis, Aliza Skinner, Rachel Hiatt, Evelyn Greene, Sierra Lawrence, Rachele Orme, Olivia Ramage. Not pictured are Nekyla Hawkins, Danny Horton and Shanice Wright. (Submitted photo by Jimmy DeLong)

    SOFTBALL Strength in numbers for girls Four years ago the Yellow Springs High School softball team was unable to field a team due to lack of numbers. Times have changed since then as this year’s team has 15 girls on the roster, according to third-year coach Jimmy DeLong. “When I was first hired three years […]

  • Water rate hike approved

    At the March 17 Village Council meeting, Council approved in a 4–0 vote a 15 percent hike in local water rates, the largest single year increase in years.

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