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Articles About Banner Festival

  • Celebrate YS banner festival, YSAC permanent collection

    On Friday, Jan. 19, the Yellow Springs Arts Council will celebrate the Yellow Springs Banner Festival, a two-decades-long annual event that ended in 2012. At 7 p.m. a panel discussion will take place regarding the festival, on the second floor of the Bryan Center. Shown above are some of the village-created banners created by villagers that flew during past festivals. (Submitted photos)

    This weekend villagers are invited to celebrate two events beloved to the local arts community — the Yellow Springs Banner Festival, and the return of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, or YSAC, permanent collection to the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Celebrate YS banner festival, YSAC permanent collection

    On Friday, Jan. 19, the Yellow Springs Arts Council will celebrate the Yellow Springs Banner Festival, a two-decades-long annual event that ended in 2012. At 7 p.m. a panel discussion will take place regarding the festival, on the second floor of the Bryan Center. Shown above are some of the village-created banners created by villagers that flew during past festivals. (Submitted photos)

    This weekend villagers are invited to celebrate two events beloved to the local arts community — the Yellow Springs Banner Festival, an annual event for more than two decades that ended in 2012, and the return of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, or YSAC, permanent collection to the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Banner elicits public art talk

    At their April 20 meeting, members of Village Council began a discussion on developing a Village policy on public art. Council members Lori Askeland, Kathryn Van der Heiden, Karen Wintrow and John Booth were present. Absent was Council President Judith Hempfling.

  • Banners fly high once again

    Just when you think you’ve reached your limit of gray skies and brown grass, a bright spot of color appears in the shape of…a five-foot tall blue bug? a purple horse? a majestic macaw?

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