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Articles About lecture

  • Antioch College — Visiting dancer dares defy gravity

    submitted photo by Jack Mitchell “Radical choreogrrapher” Elizabeth Streb of New York City will visit the Antioch College campus next Thursday and Friday, June 9 and 10. She will answer questions following a documentary film of her work, “Born to Fly,” on Thursday at 7 at the college Arts and Science building. (Submitted photo)

    A MacArthur “genius” award winner, Elizabeth Streb is described in a 2015 New Yorker article as a “radical choreographer.” But Streb isn’t sure that her creations are actually dance.

  • Glen Helen kicks off series on environment— Thinking many generations ahead

    CarolCarolyn Raffensperger, here speaking at a TED event in Maui, Hawaii, will lecture on Friday at 7 p.m. in the Glen Helen Auditorium on the precautionary principle as a way to stem the environmental pollution that threatens the lives of future generations. (Submitted photo)yn Raffensperger`

    Not only does U.S. law not protect Americans seven generations from now, it allows the continued creation of environmental toxins that will be hazardous to those in the ten-thousandth generation, according to environmental lawyer Carolyn Raffensperger.

  • Wingard to lecture tonight

    Leslie Wingard will present “Black Men and the Crisis of Faith in Literature and Film” tonight at 7 p.m. in Olive Kettering Library at Antioch College.

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