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Articles About MLS all-school musical

  • Circle of life, twice in one day

    Mills Lawn Elementary School performed its all-school musical on Thursday, Nov. 15. More than 200 first- through sixth-grade students brought “The Lion King KIDS” to life. Pictured above, the lion Mufasa, top, played by sixth-grader Conor Anderson, speaks from the afterlife to his son, Simba, played by sixth-grader James White. (Photo by Matthew Collins)

    This year’s tri-annual all-school musical — with more than 200 Mills Lawn School students participating —  was an adaptation of the popular Disney movie and later Tony-award winning musical “The Lion King.”

  • MLS all-school musical — ‘Lion King KIDS’ springs to life

    In rehearsal: The circle of life continues as the lion Simba, played by James White; the shaman Rafiki, played by Gini Meekin; and lioness Nalla, performed by Ru Robertson, celebrate the birth of a new generation at the conclusion of “Lion King KIDS,” which Mills Lawn School will present in two performances Thursday, Nov. 15, at 12:30 and 7 p.m, at Central State University’s Paul Robeson theater in Wilberforce. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Mills Lawn Elementary has transformed into the Pride Lands this fall as students prepare for a production of “Lion King KIDS,” a stage adaptation for youth of the popular, animated Disney movie and subsequent Tony Award-winning Broadway musical.

  • Mills Lawn kids tip hats to 1940s

    The Albert Brown Show, Mills Lawn Elementary School’s biennial all-school musical, will be performed on Friday, Dec. 14, and Saturday, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. at the Paul Robeson Cultural and Performing Arts Center on the Central State University campus. Saluting are a group of Rosie the Riveters, from left, in the front row, Deena Green, Jenesis Williams and Malaya Booth; back row, Freddie Collins, Charlotte Nieberding, Audrey Thomas, Ellie Lang and Jude Meekin. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The silly laughs and sensational songs heard on 1940s radio will be re-performed live in the Mills Lawn biennial all-school musical, The Albert Brown Show, featuring some of the era’s comedy routines, music and dance numbers and celebrity knockoffs.

  • Mills Lawn puts on 1940s radio show

    The silly laughs and sensational songs heard on 1940s radio will be re-performed live in the Mills Lawn biennial all-school musical, The Albert Brown Show, which opens Friday.

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