January 13
- Published: January 12, 2022
- Emergent Verse | An Introduction
As I walked in Glen Helen pondering the first installment of this reincarnated poetry column, the phrase “emergent verse” came to me and I realized I’d found its title.
- New school board makeup expected to bring changes
After more than a decade, when changes in school board makeup occurred mostly one new member at a time, amid the constancy of veteran office holders serving multiple terms and carrying over familiar approaches, newcomers are in the super-majority as 2022 begins.
- Artist Profile | Iden Crockett’s self-discovery via collage
“Who am I, where am I, and where do I want to be?” These questions, along with detailed storytelling and self-discovery, are expressed like a thread through each drawing, collage and poem of local artist Iden Crockett.
- ‘Loud As the Rolling Sea’ | An interview with activist, educator Jewel Graham
In collaboration with 91.3-FM WYSO’s Eichelberger Center for Community Voices, the News is publishing excerpted transcripts from WYSO’s series “Loud As the Rolling Sea.”
- Miami Township | New year begins with new trustee
Marilan Moir became Miami Township’s first female trustee — at least in recent memory — when she took the oath of office at the start of the three-member board’s meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 5.
- Review | ‘Nightmare Alley’ and the long con
Benecio del Toro’s “Nightmare Alley” revives the carnivalesque narrative to remind audiences that deception has its consequences.
- Village receives $1.2M for new water pipes
Residents living in older areas of town will soon see improved water volume when the village’s aging water pipes are replaced.
- COVID Update | Jan. 13, 2022
YS schools reported 13 positive cases, with seven among middle/high school students, four Mills Lawn students and two district staff.
Village Council
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