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Articles About Community Food Pantry

  • Yellow Springs Food Pantry finds a new home

    The pantry, which has been hosted by the Yellow Springs United Methodist Church for nearly two decades, will now be located at Central Chapel AME Church, 411 S. High St. Just as before, the pantry will be open 2–4 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

  • Food help for those in need

    Serving more than 80 families this year, the Yellow Springs Food Pantry provides food help to residents of Yellow Springs and Clifton.

  • Two ways to share in the holidays

    Food pantry volunteers Jean Shook, Patti McAllister, Jackie Hammond, Don Rudolf and Don Fulton put away donated items this week at the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry in the basement of the Methodist Church. Demand for food and household goods at the pantry rises during th holiday season, and so do community donations. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    While it took several hauntings for Ebenezer Scrooge to transform from a stingy miser to a charitable giver, villagers have already embodied the holiday spirit this season with generous donations of food and gifts to two long-time local projects.

  • Food pantry need is on the rise

    Food pantry coordinator Patty McAllister sorts local food donations in the pantry located in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church. Demand for the free food offered at the pantry has almost doubled in the last month. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Patty McAllister is making sure that no one in Yellow Springs goes hungry. The Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry, which she coordinates, provides free food and household goods on a bi-weekly and emergency basis to local households in need.

  • More villagers seeking help

    Consumers may have tightened their belts this whole past year, but the longer the financial slump continues, the harder it is for those living close to the bone to get by. An increase in the number of people served by a group of local organizations that provide emergency welfare help reflects the increased difficulty local residents are having getting enough warm winter wear, adequate heat in the house and ample food on the table. Especially in a giving season, the local welfare leaders extend a thanks for the generosity of the community and a note that in an economy such as this one, everyone is dealing with the loss in some measure.

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