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Articles About Environmental Commission :: Page 3

  • Village Council— Council dips into mayor’s role

    At its meeting Monday, June 1, Village Council held an initial discussion on potential revisions to the Village Charter, including the replacement of mayor with a member of Village Council.

  • Village commissions serve community

    Dedicated local volunteers who serve on Village commissions do much of the work to preserve and enhance the community. With vacancies on three key commissions, others have the opportunity to step up.

  • Village moves toward use of renewables for energy

    The Village of Yellow Springs is having some successs finding alternative energy sources to provide electricity to village residents and businesses, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff in a discussion with Council at its May 3 meeting.

  • Fluoridation

    The new Village dog park will remain at Ellis Park, after the majority of Council members were not swayed at their April 5 meeting by arguments to relocate the park to a new location.

  • Neighborhood gardens grow community, savings

    Neighborhood gardens — shared plots for gardening with others near and within neighborhoods on Village-owned land — are new to Yellow Springs, and may be growing on land near you this year.

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