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Articles About Environmental Commission

  • Ellis Park prairie takes root

    What was previously a continuation of the grassy perimeter around the pond, the new native prairie — stretching across 4,500 square feet in the northern reaches of Ellis Park — is now a dappled patchwork of milkweed, aster, ironweed, coneflowers and other native flowers. 

  • New prairie to protect Ellis Pond

    On Thursday, Nov. 16, a small team of local residents and members of the Village Environmental Commission went to the northern reaches of the 17-acre Ellis Park to install a 4,500-square-foot prairie.

  • 2023 Earth Day Celebration

    On Sunday, April 23, around 100 villagers and visitors gathered at the John Bryan Community Center to celebrate Earth Day.

  • Down to Earth | Celebrate the earth

    “Celebrate the earth as the flowers and trees burst with color, abundance and the promise of fall harvest. Take a moment to admire nature’s beauty and be thankful for the gifts of nature.”

  • Yellow Springs Habitat Community and Earth Day celebration set

    The annual Yellow Springs Habitat Community and Earth Day celebration will be Sunday, April 23, 1:30–4:30 p.m., at the John Bryan Community Center.

  • 100 native wildlife habitats in Yellow Springs

    Over 100 properties throughout the village have been certified with the National Wildlife Federation, or NWF, as official native wildlife habitats. Each of these properties — 108, to be exact — have met the NWF’s criteria of providing local fauna with sources of food, water and shelter, while abiding by stringent sustainable practices.

  • Village Council adopts volunteer policy

    At their most recent meeting Monday, March 20, Village Council members unanimously approved a policy for those wishing to volunteer on Village-owned property. 

  • Village confronts Ellis Pond algae

    Since Village Council’s July 5 decision to prohibit Village staff from using chemicals to mitigate the algal bloom in Ellis Pond, Council members Marianne MacQueen and Carmen Brown have been working with Village staff, members of the Environmental Commission, several environmental scholars and local experts to find a more holistic, and possibly permanent, solution.

  • Village Council eyes procedures, commissions

    The procedure discussion followed the receipt of several communications about Council President Brian Housh’s social media decorum, including comments made about students at Yellow Springs Schools.

  • Down to Earth — Tecumseh Land Trust and affordable housing

    “Affordable housing, farmland preservation and native habitat conservation — are they mutually exclusive?”

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