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Articles About Environmental Commission :: Page 2

  • Down to Earth — Meet the Sustainability Champions

    “I created the Sustainability Champions program to encourage and support community members, providing them with guidance via connections with community leaders, local stakeholders and area experts.”

  • Down to Earth — Help to craft sustainability plan

    “Given this history and the wealth of expertise in our community, we’re long overdue for a comprehensive Climate Action and Sustainability Plan, or CASP.”

  • Climate Action and Sustainability Plan underway in Yellow Springs

    Piper Fernwey worked at colleges and companies across the midwest developing farm-to-table programs and climate change responses. At Denison University, she helped the cafeteria source 40% of its food locally. Now, the Clifton resident is tasked with drafting a Climate Action and Sustainability Plan for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Tin Can Economy — A space in the school for the swifts

    Walk over to the Union School House on a clear late summer evening and you’ll see them. Swooping and darting through the dusk, conducting aerial dramas against the backdrop of a setting sun: chimney swifts. Hundreds of them.

  • Utility-scale solar firm applies for state permit

    A Texas company looking to build a 1,500-acre, 175-megawatt solar power project in Greene County has applied for a permit.

  • Earth Day 2021— Ecologically conscious villagers share efforts

    In honor of Earth Day, April 22, Village Council vice president and Council liaison to the Environmental Commission Marianne MacQueen interviewed several villagers to learn more about what they are doing to care for the Earth and what their motivations are.

  • A new plan to protect local water

    Local drinking water comes from a wellfield south of town located near the water treatment plant. The area that collects water within a five-year time-of-travel to the wellfield is known as the source water protection area. The 2001 Wellhead Protection Plan identifying this area was recently updated by the Environmental Commission, with new strategies for protecting the aquifer that is the source for local drinking water. (Source: Yellow springs Wellhead Protection Plan)

    What should the Village of Yellow Springs do to protect its water supply? Stay vigilant about pollution threats, test local water more often and educate citizens to prevent groundwater pollution, according to the Environmental Commission’s recent update of a 2001 plan.

  • Plan to protect local drinking water updated

    An update the Village of Yellow Springs Wellhead Protection Plan, first passed in 2001, features new strategies to protect the aquifer that is the source of local drinking water.

  • Environmental Commission report to Council— Focus is on ‘organic land management’ and climate change

    Tecumseh Land Trust and YS Environmental Commission volunteers walked the Glass Farm wetland area on Sunday, Feb. 28, to make plans to enhance habitat there. The project is funded by the Clean Ohio Open Space Fund, and advisors from Beavercreek Wetlands and Five Rivers Metroparks joined in the walk. (Submitted photo)

    Educating villagers on alternatives to pesticides is one of the current projects of the Environmental Commission.

  • Village Council— Clean Ohio grant discussed

    A vote on a proposed Clean Ohio grant application for the Glass Farm wetland was expected at Village Council’s Sept. 8 meeting, but members agreed to take action in response to environmental concerns first.

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